Understanding Mangal Dosh – What You Need to Know


Don’t let this planetary placement come between you and your happiness. Here’s what you need to know about Mangal Dosh and the remedies that can help neutralize its negative effects

Worried about the impact of ‘Mangal Dosh’ on your marriage?

In astrology, Mars (or Mangal in Hindi) is known for injecting aggressive tendencies us and is considered a fiery planet by nature. Its placement in certain houses of a person’s horoscope is considered inauspicious for marital bliss and happiness, leading to situations of separation that can be permanent or temporary and reduce the happiness quotient in life.

Why does this happen?

The placement of Mars (Mangal) in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, and the twelfth house is considered inauspicious for leading a happy conjugal life and is referred to as ‘Mangal Dosh’. 

In South India, placement of Mars in the second house is also counted as ‘Mangal Dosh’. When Mars (Mangal) occupies any of these above-mentioned houses, it will have an aspect or presence with the seventh (or eighth) house, which is the house of marriage.

The influence of Mars (Mangal) on the seventh house creates problems for the couple, pushing them away from each other, regardless of the reason. It could also lead to the death of a life partner, especially if the affliction is severe in anyone’s birth chart.

However, the classic texts of astrology mention that the presence of Mars (Mangal) in its exultation sign Capricorn, in its ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aries or in its own sign Scorpio does not cause any harm and is helpful in increasing happiness and enjoyment in your post married life.

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Bad effects of Mars or ‘Mangal Dosh’

If Mars has an affliction from Saturn, Rahu or any other malefic planet (according to the ascendant of the person) then the possibility of negative occurrences increases. 

It could be separation from a spouse because of job postings in different cities or countries that force the couple to stay separately, in spite of having no discord between them. In worst cases, accidents or fatal diseases can create a separation between the couple.

Placement of Mars in different houses

From the ascendant, Mars (Mangal) will throw aspect to the fourth house of materialistic comforts, seventh house of marriage and eighth house of longevity to invite inauspicious incidents.

From the fourth house of materialistic comforts, Mars (Mangal) will aspect the seventh house of marriage to create unwanted circumstances and reduce pious vibes around.

From the seventh house, Mars (Mangal) will aspect the ascendant and the second house of family to make the person devoid of family bliss.

From the eighth house, Mars (Mangal) will aspect the second house of speech and third house of courage to make the way of talking less diplomatic, hurt the feelings of people around and increase distance from near and dear ones. 

From the twelfth house, Mars will aspect the third house of confidence, sixth house of struggles and seventh house of marriage to spoil the equation of life for no good reasons.

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Neutralising the effect of ‘Mangal Dosh’

If both the girl and boy have ‘Mangal Dosh’ in their horoscopes, then it gets nullified. The divine aspect of Jupiter and other auspicious planets also helps to wash out the malefic effects of ‘Mangal Dosh’.

From three angles ‘Mangal Dosh’ is judged: from the ascendant chart, from the Moon chart and from Venus as well. Even placement of the Sun, Saturn or Rahu can act as an equal result-giving planet like Mars to cancel the ‘Dosh’, up to an extent. But it should preferably be planet Mars that nullifies the ’Dosh’ for sure.

Mangal Dosh Remedies

Performing ‘Kumbh Vivah’ is widely suggested to people as the effective remedial measure for ‘Mangal Dosh’. This is a traditional ritual where a person with ‘Mangal Dosh’ marries a pot (kumbh) and then breaks it and is believed to negate the negative effects of the dosh.

In case of a female chart, a marriage ceremony with an idol of Shaligram Shila (aka Lord Vishnu Jee) is also prescribed by Astrologers. Marriage with a Peeple Tree is another remedy popularly suggested in rural areas to counter the ‘Mangal Dosh’.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of these remedies may vary from person to person. It is always best to consult a qualified astrologer for advice on ‘Mangal Dosh’ remedies.

Don’t let Mangal Dosh come in the way of your marital happiness. Take proactive measures to neutralize its negative influence and lead a fulfilling married life. 

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