Aries March Horoscope:
Rising of Saturn on 5th of March may help you to come into easy-terms with the situations at work, up to a great extent, for your relief. Till 13th of this month, your sign lord Mars will be travelling through Taurus sign, in your second house of finances, to offer you a comfortable equation about money matters, to carry on your journey and feel satisfied.
In addition to this, association of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius sign is creating rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, predicting satisfactory flow of funds to allow you to materialise ambitious plans of yours.
Jupiter and exulted Venus are present there in your twelfth house, till 12th of this month, to bring you fruitful foreign contacts. You must exercise precaution while interacting with senior members of your family, when Mars will be in Gemini sign, during the second half of this month.
Saturn is now aspecting your sign, to inject long term plans within your thoughts and allow you to act accordingly, to make significant progress in life.
Mercury will change sign, on 16th of March, to enter into your twelfth house of expenditures, in His debilitation sign Pisces, to join the Sun and Jupiter there and increase your spendings for genuine reasons.
Taurus March Horoscope:
Rising of Saturn on 5th March is going to show you silver linings. Your sign lord Venus will enter into Aries sign, in your twelfth house of expenditures, on 12th of this month, to stay there till 6th of next month. This transit is going to shower you with blessings in disguise, as Venus is creating ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’, being the ruler of your sixth house also.
Although, presence of Rahu in Aries sign is asking you to stay alert as Rahu is known for His unpredictable result giving nature. Mars is going to be there in your second house of speech, from 13th of this month, to provide you command in your words, to counter odd situations bravely.
Transit of the Sun into eleventh house of income, in Pisces sign, may bring very much of sunshine for your financial matters, after 15th of March. Then from 16th of March, association of the Sun, Mercury and Mercury in the house of gains will be another assertive point for you, as it can streamline your financial matters visibly.
There is possibility of travelling for work purpose to bring lucrative business deals for your organisation. Take best possible care of your physical health to keep your fitness quotient intact.
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Gemini March Horoscope:
Combustion of your sign lord Mercury from the very first day of this month, is suggesting you to exercise caution, although He is creating a ‘Kendra-Trikona Raaj Yog’, being placed there in ninth house of luck, with the Sun and Saturn. Venus, the most auspicious planet for you, will be there in your eleventh house of recurring income, after 12th of March, to rewrite your financial equation for better reason.
Take not of your attitude after 13th March when Mars will be there in your sign that could make you overconfident and arrogant.
Mercury will become debilitated, means powerless, on 16th of this month, but His association with the Sun and Jupiter will create ‘BudhAditya Yog’ as well as ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ also, to offer you blessings in disguise.
Rising of your sign lord Mercury on 30th of this month will create auspicious vibrations around, for your benefit. In a major movement of planets in the sky, Jupiter will slip into combustion, on 31st of this month, to bring you hurdles in work related matters, for your surprise.
Association of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in your tenth house of career might be a game changing transit for you, which tells you to encash the opportunities in front of you, to change the scenario altogether.
Cancer March Horoscope:
Jupiter is your luck house lord and occupying your ninth house of luck, during this entire month, allowing you to experience career growth and prosperity. Although presence of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn there in Aquarius sign will create a rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ to offer you blessings in disguise, still, you should be careful and avoid over confidence at any sphere of your life.
Exulted Venus placed in your luck house, till 12th of March, along with Jupiter, to support you in money matters. It will not be an auspicious transit event for you, when Mars will enter into Gemini sign, on 13th of March, to bring pressure of expenditures.
This transit of fifth house lord into twelfth house will remain in effect till 10th of May, for your discomfort. The Sun will enter into His friendly sign Pisces on 15th of this month, to associated with Jupiter and fetch fruitful opportunities, for your benefit.
Mercury will join the Sun and Jupiter on the very next day, to form ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ as well as ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’, in your luck house. A major transit is going to take place on 31st of March, when Jupiter will slip into combustion, to become weak for a month.
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Leo March Horoscope:
Your sign lord the Sun placed there in your seventh house, with combust Mercury and Saturn, from the beginning of this month, to form a rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ and give you an upper hand in financial matters, till 15th of this month. Your ninth house of luck will be occupie by Venus and Rahu, after 12th of March, to bring you opportunities from foreign connections or potential business opportunities, to create an empire of professional products.
Transit of Mars through Gemini sign, from 13th of March, is expect to enhance your chances to succeed and help you to reach your ambitious targets with ease.
No matter how the situation appears to be, you need to work continuously, with full dedication and focus, to reach your ambitious goals of life. Shed your hesitations while taking major steps to improve the quality of work and sustain in the tough competitive market.
Your income house lord Mercury is going to rise in the west, on 30th of this month and will become strong, in Pisces sign, to bring assertive changes for you.
Jupiter will slip into weak state of combustion in Pisces sign, on 31st of this month, to reduce your comfort zone, up to an extent.
Virgo March Horoscope:
Combust state of your sign lord Mercury, from the very first day of this month, is sounding an alarm for you, to take important stapes carefully. Rising of Saturn on 5th of March, is going to show silver lining in your professional arena.
However, aspect of Ketu on your career house is asking you to exercise precautions to counter those mysterious turns of events successfully. Presence of Mars in Gemini sign, from 13th of March is also supposed to bless you with financial stability.
On 15th of March, entrance of the Sun into Pisces sign, to join Jupiter, foretells significant happenings to polish your social image. On 16th of March, entrance of Mercury into His debilitation sign Pisces indicates new possibilities to come up in front of you to turn the table upside down at your place of work.
Jupiter is going to cancel the debilitation of Mercury and create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ as well as ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, in your seventh house of social reputations, to bring you blessing in disguise, that will be a big advantageous situation for your career growth.
Your sign lord Mercury will enter into Aries sign, to be associate with Rahu, on 31st of March, is asking you to mind your words, while interacting in social sphere.
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Libra March Horoscope:
Your luck house lord Mercury will slip into combust state in the eastern horizon, from the very first day of this month, to suggest you to take precaution while taking major decisions about life. However, on 5th of this month, rising of Saturn in the east may show you unexpected changes to make your flagship projects a big success.
Formation of ‘TeenGrahi Yog’ by the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, in your fifth house of talents, would remain helpful to bring satisfactory results of your hard work and sincere efforts.
Transit of the Sun through your sixth house, after 15th of this month, would be favourable for you to reduce ongoing struggles towards your way to success.
Association of your sign lord Venus with Rahu in your seventh house of social reputation, after 12th March, can bring challenges to polish your situation handling capacity and help you to shine and emerge as a prominent figure in your arena.
Planet of justice Jupiter is entering into weak state of combustion, on 31st of this month, to suggest you to avoid disputes. Entrance of Mercury into Pisces sign, to join Jupiter, will help to cancel the debilitation of Mercury and create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’.
Your most auspicious planet Saturn is also presently there in your fifth house of talents, to be the constant source of inspiration for you, during this entire month.
Scorpio March Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mars is there in Taurus sign, from the beginning of this month, to make your social standing better, visibly. However, transit of Venus and Rahu in Aries sign could increase your tension and restlessness, for no valid reason. Mars is going to change sign, on 13th of March, to occupy dual sign Gemini and to increase your intuition power.
Jupiter is also coming to your rescue, during this month and balance the situation amicably. However, you should be careful about financial matters as Jupiter is the ruler of your second house of family and finances.
On 15th of this month, entry of the Sun in your fifth house of talents, joining Jupiter, will provide you right opportunities to polish your talent and abilities.
Mercury will be with them from 16th of March, to create ‘TeenGrahi Yog’ as well as ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ also, to your advantage. Take your own time to observe the potentials of any offer that is knocking your door.
Your spirituality and religiousness are nudging you to know the answers of those unanswered questions in your mind. Searching for authentic sources of knowledge is more important to strike the right chord at the very right time.
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Sagittarius March Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is presently occupying your fourth house of comforts, during this entire month, to change the scenario at your work. Joined with exulted Venus, till 12th of March, it will rewrite your financial equation in a totally different language of prosperity. Perfect combination of talent and courage is designed superbly, to help you to climb upwards on the ladder of success.
On 5th of March, rising of Saturn is going to assure financial progress, to speed up the flow of events for betterment. On 15th of this month, the Sun will be there in your fourth house of landed properties, to create ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’ and brew opportunities for lucrative deals and increase your accumulation of wealth.
Presence of three planets, the Sun, debilitated Mercury and Jupiter in your fourth house, creating a rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, to bless you with favourable connections at work place and family issues, after 16th of this month.
Show your skills to maintain your perfectionist image around. It is advisable for you to exercise precautions about digestive system related problems. However, combust state of Jupiter from 31st of March is asking you to think twice before you act, on vital points of your life.
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Capricorn March Horoscope:
”Yog Kaarak’ planet for your sign Venus will be there in your fourth house of comforts, from 12th of this month, to stay here till 6th of April and ensure financial prosperity. Presence of Venus and Rahu in Aries sig`n, during the rest of this month will remain auspicious for you to enjoy comfort of luxurious gadgets.
Mars will be entering into Gemini sign, after 13th of March, to remove your struggles, for your benefit. Time may add up more responsibilities on your shoulder during the second half of this month, when the Sun will change His sign to enter into Pisces sign, to be associate with Jupiter.
Mercury will join them on 16th of March to create ‘TeenGrahee Yog’. ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ will also be there as Jupiter will cancel the debilitation of Mercury and provide power to combust Mercury, that is suppose to become blessings in disguise for you.
Show others the strict self of yours as it is the need of the hour. There is a possibility to hear good news from a distant place, to make you cheerful, in the end of this month. Rising of Mercury on 30th of March will help you to secure support from Lady Luck and let you carry on unstoppable.
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Aquarius March Horoscope:
Rising of your sign lord Saturn, on 5th of this month, is blessing you with new horizons to explore, if you are thinking about acquiring new areas at your domain of work. Combust state of Mercury, till 30th of March, is suggesting you to seek the opinion of experienced people and chalk out a flawless game plan precisely.
Your luck house lord Venus will be there with Rahu in Aries sign, in your third house of efforts, after 12th of March, to bring silver lining around you. The Sun will join Jupiter in your second house of finances, in friendly sign Pisces, on 15th of this month, to bless you with handsome success in your ventures.
Association of three planets the Sun, debilitated Mercury and Jupiter, in your second house of finances, is indicating pretty good scenario, blessing you with a free hand to make your dreams true.
‘TeenGrahee Yog’ will be form to fetch lucrative deals for your delight. ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ of Mercury is also formed by association of Jupiter, to add another feather in your cap of success.
Going through all the important documents is advisable for you, if you are going to purchase immoveable properties. Your sign lord Saturn is occupying your sign now, to bring long term projects and deal with associates who are stronger than your expectations, indicating steep rise in your standing for sure.
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Pisces March Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is now occupying your sign along with exulted Venus, to multiply your magnetic charm and polish your image in the society and let you enjoy best possible results. Mercury is slipping into weak state of combustion, on 1st of March, to suggest you to control your expenditures. The Sun and Saturn are also there with Mercury in your twelfth house, to increase the intensity of problems for you.
Mars will come to your fourth house of comforts on 13th of March, to influence your career house directly and increase your domain of work, helping you accordingly to show your leadership quality.
On 15th of March, entrance of the Sun into your sign to join your sign lord Jupiter, is indicating possibility of health-related issues. Take best possible care.
Rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ will be form in your sign on 16 March, when Mercury will transit into your sign. ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ is also formed at the same time to offer you blessings in disguise.
However, combust state of Jupiter on 31st of this month is asking you to act according to the demand of time. In the matters of your physical as well as mental and spiritual health, it is good time for you to enjoy perfect scenario in your serene plane.
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