Welcome to your monthly horoscope August! This August horoscope promises to bring a surge of energy and new opportunities for everyone. Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, find love, or simply improve your daily routine, this month’s planetary alignments have something special in store for you.
This is a time to embrace change and seize new opportunities. The monthly horoscope August suggests that this period will be filled with dynamic events and chances to grow both personally and professionally. Keep an eye out for moments of inspiration and take advantage of the positive vibes that August brings.
Vedic astrology gives predictions based on Rashi or moon sign. Remember to keep that in mind and read the horoscope as per your rashi and not your western sun sign. Stay tuned to see how your moon sign will be affected by the celestial movements this month. Our August horoscope will guide you through the highs and lows, helping you navigate through any challenges and celebrate your victories. Enjoy the journey as we delve into the monthly horoscope August and discover what the stars have in store for you.
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Before we read our predictions for the 12 Moon Signs, let’s see what the major transits are this month:
5th Aug – Retrogression of Mercury at 10:26 am
12th Aug – Combustion of Retrograde Mercury at 06:12 am
16th Aug – The Sun entering Leo Sign at 7:44 pm
22nd Aug – Retrograde Mercury entering Cancer Sign at 06:38 am
25th Aug – Venus entering Virgo at 1:16 am
26th Aug – Rising of Retrograde Mercury at 6:58 pm
Mars entering Gemini Sign at 3:25 pm
29th Aug – Direct motion of Mercury at 1:42 am
Now, let’s take a look at the monthly horoscope August for the 12 Moon Signs (Rashi):
Aries August Horoscope:
Your ruling planet Mars is creating ‘Dhan Yog’ in the Taurus sign, till the 26th of this month, to bless you with financial affluence and show you the brighter side of the coin. Your August horoscope says that your luck house lord Jupiter is also there accompanying Mars, advising you to move with caution in domestic matters. The Sun will be there in His own sign Leo, from the 16th of August, to join retrograde Mercury and Venus, creating ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, in your fifth house of talents, to ensure the best possible utilisation of your unmatched talents.
In addition to this, the placement of retrograde Saturn, in your eleventh house of gains, is reconfirming handsome benefits, because of your hard work. To avoid misunderstanding with your family members, you should pick your words very carefully, as Ketu is aspecting your second house of speech, which can create unnecessary miscommunication, for no valid reason.
The combination of Sun, Venus, and Mercury in your fourth house of materialistic comforts can bring unexpected vocal scenarios, helping you change the current situation of your life.
The rising of retrograde Mercury, on the 26th of August, in watery sign Cancer, in your fourth house of materialistic comforts, reconfirms the best kind of comforts for you and increases your leisure level. Matters of career and finances are seen in perfect momentum to confirm substantial growth and prosperity. Required support from Lady Luck will be helpful for you, to set the equations of your life right.
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Taurus August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Venus is now in the fiery sign Leo and then going to become debilitated, which means less powerful, in Virgo sign, on the 25th of this month, in your fifth house of talents, suggesting you move with caution. However, the change of sign by retrograde Mercury, on the 22nd of August, to receive aspect from Rahu and create a bit of a sensitive situation, advising you to move with caution. As per your monthly horoscope August, the placement of retrograde Saturn, in your tenth house of career, will be helpful for you to fetch potentially strong projects and ensure prosperity.
The divine aspect of Jupiter on your fifth house of talents, seventh house of social repute, and ninth house of luck, during this entire month, will remain auspicious for you as Jupiter is creating ‘Dhan Yog’ while occupying your sign itself.
Transit of the Sun, into your fourth house, in His own sign Leo, on 16th August, to join Venus and Mercury, becoming more powerful, helping you to register great success in all your endeavours. The aspect of the Sun on your tenth house of professional career is predicting authority in your hand, to entitle you to other benefits. Take care of your digestive health and wellness, as Ketu is occupying your fifth house, which may not ensure auspicious vibes around.
Gemini August Horoscope:
‘Yog Kaarak’ planet for your sign Venus is associated with your sign lord Mercury, in your third house of efforts, till the 22nd of this month, advising you to avoid overconfidence and play your cards diplomatically. Transit of the Sun, on the 16th of August, to be associated with Venus and Mercury, in His own sign Leo, to bring significant developments around. The formation of ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, from the 16th to the 22nd of this month, is another assertive point for you, to stay blessed.
Retrograde Mercury will come back into Cancer sign, on the 22nd of July, which may increase your wealth count, up to a great extent. It will be best for you to get involved in your family matters, to stay informed. As per your monthly horoscope August, the entry of Venus into Virgo sign, on the 25th of this month, is not an auspicious transit in the sky, as Venus will become debilitated, which means powerless, for a period of 3 weeks.
The divine aspect of Jupiter on your fourth house, sixth house, and eighth house, during this entire month of August, will play an auspicious role for you, giving you foresight to stay ahead of others. Your sign lord Mercury is changing motion on the 29th of this month, in watery sign Cancer, to increase your influence and fetch assertive results.
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Cancer August Horoscope:
The Sun is occupying your sign, from the very beginning of this month, to create a strong ‘Dhan Yog’, offering you the best feasible options to amass wealth. Energetic planet Mars rules your career house and is occupying your eleventh house of gains, along with Jupiter, till the 26th of August, to bless you with significant changes in your financial scenario.
Your income house lord Venus is occupying your second house of finances, till the 25th of August, creating another ‘Dhan Yog’, for your benefit. You may gain from the deal of a property also, during this time, because Venus is your fourth house lord as per your August horoscope. The presence of Jupiter and Mars in your eleventh house of gains is another excellent ‘Yog’ creating combination for you, to receive great support from Lady Luck, for your advantage.
Your monthly horoscope August shows that the Sun will enter into His own sign Leo, to join Venus and Mercury, creating ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, on the 16th of this month, to increase the value of your words. The aspect of Rahu on your sign, during this entire month of August, suggests you make your moves with caution as Rahu is known for His unpredictable nature. The rising of retrograde Mercury, on the 26th of August, is about to bring pretty auspicious incidents for your delight, suggesting you explore them ultimately.
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Leo August Horoscope:
Your income house lord Mercury is creating ‘Dhan Yog’ in your sign, from the very beginning of this month, to improve your financial equation visibly and help you to manage everything effortlessly. Your seventh house lord Saturn is moving through retrograde motion, during this entire month, to become an assertive result-giving planet for you, reducing your struggles and worries.
You should not strike any deal of landed properties, after the 16th of this month, when the Sun will receive unwanted aspects from retrograde Saturn and Mars. The divine aspect of Jupiter will be there on your second house of finances, fourth house of comforts, and sixth house of competitions, during this entire month, to let you gain from unpredictable corners.
As per your monthly horoscope August, the association of Jupiter and Mars in your career house and the aspect of Ketu on them suggests you avoid investing your idle funds, in any lucrative scheme. From the 26th of this month, Mars will be there in your eleventh house of income, in Gemini sign, to create a strong ‘Yog’, which indicates your free hand, allowing you to think about expanding your existing network, with confidence. This rare ‘Yog’ is going to continue till the 20th of October, for your information.
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Virgo August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mercury will change His motion on the 5th of August, in Leo sign and being aspected by retrograde Saturn, advising you to be extra careful while striking major financial deals with less known parties. Your sign lord Mercury is slipping into combustion, on the 12th of August, being weak in power and suggesting you change your action plan regarding work and ensure success, for sure.
Your August horoscope shows that on the 16th of this month, the Sun will enter into the Leo sign which might bring pressure of expenditures on your nerves. The rising of retrograde Mercury in the Cancer sign on the 26th of August is going to show you the silver lining in relationship matters.
Saturn is now moving through retrograde motion via your sixth house of competitions, in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aquarius, to become very auspicious and powerful, allowing you to display your management skills appropriately and receive more than satisfactory responses.
As per your monthly horoscope August, Mars is going to enter your career house, on the 26th of August, to influence your sign, fourth house of comforts, and fifth house of talents. During this entire month, the presence of Jupiter in your ninth house of luck indicates significant growth, to rewrite your success story as well as connect you with potentially sound parties and offer you encouraging outputs.
Do you want to know what August has in store for you? Talk to our expert Astrologer about your monthly horoscope August!
Libra August Horoscope:
Till the 25th of this month, Venus will be in Leo sign, in your income house, to create ‘Dhan Yog’ and widen your way towards prosperity. Your luck house lord Mercury will enter into Cancer sign via retrograde motion, on the 22nd of this month, to create ‘Raaj Yog’ and enhance your career prospects, for a period of 12 days, to alter the scenario altogether.
The Sun will enter into His own sign Leo, on 16th August, to offer you monetary benefits. However, the formation of ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ by the Sun, Venus, and retrograde Mercury, in your eleventh house of recurring income, would remain helpful to increase the flow of funds and allow you to think of something on a bigger scale.
Your monthly horoscope August says that planet Mercury will change motion and assume direct motion in the Cancer sign, on the 29th of August, which can bring gainful opportunities from distant places. Your seventh house lord Mars will be there in your ninth house of luck, from the 26th of this month, to create ‘Raaj Yog’ and show you the silver lining to feel comfortable. .
Your most auspicious planet retrograde Saturn is occupying the Aquarius sign, to provide you with an appropriate platform, to showcase your talents and motivate you by showing predictable results and making your dreams come true
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Scorpio August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mars is going to enter into Gemini sign, on the 26th of August, to improve your financial situation, way more than your calculations. Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, and retrograde Saturn are influencing your sign, to ignite mixed feelings within yourself and ask you to take major steps with caution, protecting your peace of mind. Your constructive thoughts are going to bring concrete results, from every possible angle, to increase your confidence and multiply your importance in the known circle.
From the 22nd of this month, retrograde Mercury in your luck house, is not going to be an advantageous transit for you, while making the right decisions at the very right time. Retrograde Mercury will slip into combustion in the Leo sign, in your tenth house of profession, on the 12th of this month, warning you to take corrective measures to increase your influence on others.
As per your monthly horoscope August, the graceful presence of the Sun, retrograde Mercury, and Venus in your career house, in fiery sign Leo, after 16th August, will create a very powerful combination of three planets, to ensure great success, to let you experience an increase in your area of operation, beyond your expectations. Look at the thorough details of your work plans to rectify the mistakes and make them flawless.
To know more about how August’s transits will impact you, ask an Astrologer and get more details about your Monthly Horoscope August.
Sagittarius August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is now placed with Mars, in your sixth house of competitions, blessing you with an upper hand over your competitors and rivals. You may think about exploring new areas or changing your way of working, to meet the needs of the hour. Your career house lord Mercury will enter into your eighth house of longevity, via retrograde motion, on the 22nd of this month, to sharpen your intuition power and help you to make the right choice precisely.
On the 16th of this month, the Sun will be there in your ninth house of luck, in His own sign Leo, along with Venus and retrograde Mercury, forming a very rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, to offer you spectacular results and increase your wealth.
On the 26th of August, Mars is going to change signs, to be there in the Gemini sign, in your seventh house of social repute, creating a strong ‘Raaj Yog’, to ensure the possibility of policing your social image. As per monthly horoscope August, retrograde Saturn will be there in your third house of efforts, during this entire month, which will be a support for you to ensure concrete results for your sincere efforts. It can invite new opportunities to accept and let you able to strike significant deals, with plenty of benefits. Take care of your food intake, to ensure the best metabolic health.
How will your life change this month? Find out details about your monthly horoscope August! Talk to an expert Astrologer now!
Capricorn August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Saturn is now moving via retrograde motion, in your second house of accumulated wealth, creating ‘Dhan Yog’, to ensure visible changes in your surroundings. Retrogression of Saturn is making Him a more auspicious result-giving planet for you, to bless you with a free hand in family matters. Influence of Saturn is there, on your eleventh house of gains also, to let you materialise pretty profitable deals.
The presence of the Sun in your seventh house of social reputation, from the very first day of this month, will polish your social image for better reasons. There might be a few significant changes noticeable within you, when retrograde Mercury re-enters the Cancer sign, on the 22nd of this month.
Your August horoscope says that the Sun will be associated with Venus and combust Mercury in Leo sign, from the 16th of this month, to show you the brighter shades of life, leaving you happy from within. The presence of Mars in the Gemini sign, from the 26th of August, is going to create a powerful ‘Yog’, to reduce your struggles, for sure. The presence of Jupiter in your fifth house of emotional equations suggests you take note of your emotional bonding with near and dear ones. The divine aspect of Jupiter on your sign, luck house, and income house, during this entire month of August, is a great support for you to grow leap, and bound.
What will happen to your love life this month? Find out in a personalised monthly horoscope August prediction!
Aquarius August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Saturn is now moving via indirect motion, in your sign only, offering you a pretty favourable scenario, in and around. Your income house lord Jupiter is presently in earthy sign Taurus, along with Mars, till the 26th of this month, to make your sincere efforts fruitful and result-oriented. As per your monthly horoscope August, Venus is going to change sign and enter into the Virgo sign, on the 25th of August, to become powerless, advising you to maintain a safe distance from people with dual characters within your circle.
But, retrogression of Saturn, during this entire month, can bring you encouraging news from a distant place, which can take shape into a long-term affair. The Sun will enter into your seventh house of social reputation, in His own sign Leo, to join Venus and Mercury, on the 16th of August, to activate your social responsibilities.
Change of sign by Mars, on the 26th of August, is going to offer you great possibilities, to change the equation at your place of work, by striking a big deal or something like that. Retrograde Mercury will rise in Cancer sign, on the 26th of this month only, to create a powerful ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’ and make your health front secure and bless you to win the competitive pursuits of your life. Start practicing yoga and all, to address your wellness properly and ensure hazard-free days in the future.
Your personalised Monthly Horoscope August can help you be prepared for all the challenges and opportunities coming your way! Talk to an astrologer now!
Pisces August Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is now occupying the Taurus sign, along with Mars, till the 26th of August, advising you to have control over your emotional expressions, to strike a perfect balance in your life. However, your social interactions should be done with caution as there is Rahu occupying your sign, during this entire month. Your luck house lord Mars will be there in the fourth house of comforts, to create a ‘Raaj Yog’, to improve your career-related matters.
The Sun will enter into His own sign Leo, on the 16th of August, to let you benefit from competitive pursuits, leaving your rivals far behind. Your August horoscope shows the formation of ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ by the Sun, Venus, and retrograde Mercury, in your sixth house of competitions, would remain favourable to reduce the challenges in front of you.
The presence of your income house lord, Saturn, in your twelfth house of foreign links, moving via retrograde motion, will fetch you potentially strong projects, to keep your finances in the right shape. On the 26th of this month, the rising of retrograde Mercury in the Cancer sign will fetch blessings in disguise in a most unexpected way, to make things great for you. In matters of physical health and wellness, it is time to be aware of your food intake, to invite trouble-free days ahead.
How to improve your life this August? Ask an expert astrologer for your monthly horoscope August!
As we navigate through the month, your monthly horoscope August reveals an array of opportunities and challenges for each moon sign. Embrace the energy and enthusiasm this month brings, and use the insights from our August horoscope to make the most of the upcoming days. Stay tuned for more astrological updates and let the stars guide your journey towards growth and success.
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