The Sun Exulted in Aries Sign

The Sun Exulted in Aries Sign


The Sun is becoming the most powerful, in the fiery sign Aries, to play the role of a game-changer in the council of cosmic bodies. What effect is a wait for your Moon sign? Let’s have a look at it.

Sun in Aries sign Time

Sun in Aries sign Date & Time:- 14th of April 2021, at 02.33 am

The biggest luminary planet of our zodiac, the Sun, is entering into the fiery sign Aries, on 14th of April 2021, at 02.33 am, to become exulted, means, most powerful in the sky and to create a very strong ‘Raaj Yog’.

Aries sign is the first sign of the zodiac and the Sun rules the fifth house of the natural zodiac. So, this transit is going to create a very strong ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’.

Venus is already transiting there in Aries sign, to accompany the Sun, to make it strong and result oriented for us. The Sun enjoys the position of the king in the council of planets.

So, the entrance of the Sun into Aries sign in transit is going to be a very auspicious transit for people placed in an authoritative position, in general.

For the natives of Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius Moon signs, this transit will remain more than favourable.

The natives of the Gemini Moon Sign, placement of the Sun in Aries Sign, in the eleventh house of gains, is describing the possibility of the financial windfall to provide a free hand in regards to money matters.

The Cancer Moon Sign, the ideal placement of the Sun in career house is suppose to help them to touch new heights in the professional sphere.

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Transit of the Sun through the sixth house of competitions, for Scorpio Moon Sign natives, yields very good results in terms of healthy competitions and work-related matters.

Aquarius Moon Sign people will have the Sun placed in their third house of efforts to let their efforts become materialised into visible outcomes.

Short distance travel may be there to bring fortunate deals with much potential. For the effects of this transit on the natives of the rest of the Moon signs, click here. Explore Our Instagram.

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