StarsTell is back with your horoscope for the upcoming month! We hope you enjoy reading our predictions for all the Moon Signs! While your Sun Sign represents your outer personality traits, your Moon Sign represents your inner self. Moon Sign or Rashi is given primary importance in Vedic Astrology. Do you want to know what September has planned for you? Read the predictions by our expert Astrologer. Here is your Monthly Horoscope September!
Aries September Horoscope:
From the 4th of this month, the retrograde motion of Jupiter, in your sign only, is asking you to exercise utmost precaution while dealing with important matters. On the other hand, the change of motion by Venus, on the 4th of September itself, is going to create auspicious vibes and enhance your comfort zone, providing you the satisfaction of mind. The Sun is there in auspicious ‘Trikona’ fifth house of talent, in His own sign Leo, along with Mercury, offering you appropriate opportunities to show your unique abilities as per the demand of time. your influence.
Another auspicious placement of your career house lord retrograde Saturn, in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aquarius, during this entire September, will bless you with a substantial flow of funds, to alter the equation of money. Your sign lord Mars is creating ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’ by occupying Virgo sign, to bless you with a win in competitions, to your advantage.
On the 16th of September, the direct motion of Mercury, indicates fewer complications at your workplace, to provide you peace of mind. The Sun will also change His sign on 17th September itself and enter into your sixth house of competitions, to join Mars and bring you gains through healthy competitions, to ensure growth and prosperity. Shed your overconfidence, after the 24th of September, when Mars will slip into a weak state of combustion, to reduce the possibilities of damages, of any kind.
Taurus September Horoscope:
The presence of your sign lord Venus in your third house of efforts, in Cancer sign, during this entire month, is perfect for you to fetch support from Lady Luck and grow visibly. Your ruling planet Venus is going to change Her motion, on the 4th of September, to regain Her auspiciousness again, blessing you with dignity and recognition aplenty. On the same day, the retrograde motion of Jupiter, in Aries sign, being associated with Rahu, in your twelfth house of expenditures, is asking you to manage your finances to make your mark, remarkably.
The presence of fiery planet Mars, in your fifth house of talents, during this entire month, is supposed to inject more confidence within you, besides being a game-changer transit event for you. However, the rising of retrograde Mercury in Leo sign, on 13th September, is another auspicious transit for you, to create a strong ‘Yog’ and widen the scope for your career growth.
Direct motion of Mercury, on 16th September, may be helpful to tune the equations of your work life. However, the Sun is going to join Mars, in your fifth house of talents, on 17th of September, and is predicting more than a good flow of finances, to let you carry on flawlessly.
Know your personalised Monthly Horoscope September from our expert astrologers!
Gemini September Horoscope:
Association of retrograde Mercury and the Sun, in your third house of courage and efforts, from the start of this month, may bring you great support from every corner, to showcase your capabilities in your professional front. The presence of your luck house lord Saturn in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aquarius, during this entire month, is an advantageous transit for you to receive blessings from Lady Luck. Jupiter and Rahu are also ideally occupying your eleventh house of gains, in fiery sign Aries, to change your equation of finances and bring your confidence back.
Direct motion of Mercury and His association with the Sun, till the 17th of this month, is able to equip you with the sharpness of brain and face everything maturely. The divine aspect of retrograde Jupiter on your sign lord Mercury is another blessing for you to stay protected from unwanted situations. Rising of your sign lord Mercury, on 13th September, is sure to bless you with a very good level of energy and vitality, warding off inauspicious vibes.
Mars is also influencing your career house from Virgo sign, to increase your authority and power. Direct motion of your most auspicious planet Venus in watery sign Cancer, from the 4th of September, is going to streamline your finances, for your benefit. The presence of Ketu in your fifth house of emotional equations is going to bless you with appropriate opportunities in the arena of love and emotions.
Cancer September Horoscope:
Your finance house lord the Sun is occupying His own sign Leo, along with Mercury, till the 17th of September, and is offering you opportunities to alter your economic scenario successfully. From the beginning of September, two planets, the Sun and retrograde Saturn, will be placed there in front of each other, to let you experience constant growth at your work front. Venus will assume direct motion, from the 4th, in your sign only, to give you gains, more than your calculations, to expand your existing network, and help you to grow more.
Change of motion by Jupiter, on the 4th of September only, is asking you to mind your words spoken in public space as it could bring you unexpected reactions for no reason. However, the rising of retrograde Mercury, on 13th September, might bring silver linings in front of you, to experience the serenity of mind.
The Sun will enter into Virgo sign, on the 17th, to join Mars and increase your confidence level, allowing you to take confident steps. Saturn will continue moving via retrograde motion, during this entire month, to bless you with foresight, assisting you to take corrective measures as and when required.
Want to know more about your Monthly Horoscope September? Talk to an expert Astrologer now!
Leo September Horoscope:
Your ruling planet the Sun is accompanying retrograde Mercury in your sign only, to offer you an upper hand at every point of your life, till the 17th of this month. Then change of sign by the Sun, to join Mars in your finance house, will remain beneficial for you to enhance your wealth count and sort out family issues, for sure. Your luck house lord Mars is placed in your finance house, to create a pious ‘Yog’ and provide you concrete developments, for sure.
Placement of the Sun and retrograde Saturn in front of each other, during the first half of this month, can bless you with potentially strong proposals to rewrite your success story in the language of prosperity. The presence of Venus in your twelfth house of foreign links, from the beginning of this month, is capable enough to invite opportunities from foreign countries.
The aspect of retrograde Jupiter, on your sign is going to streamline complicated affairs, to let you move ahead unstoppably. The combust state of Mars, after 24th of September, is asking you to mind your limits while interacting with others, to avoid uncomfortable situations. The placement of retrograde Jupiter and Rahu in your luck house is suggesting you use your presence of mind, to distinguish between the right and the wrong.
Virgo September Horoscope:
On the 4th of September, the motion change of Jupiter and Venus, in Cancer and Aries signs, respectively, indicates visible changes in your financial equation, for your delight. The presence of two planets, the Sun and retrograde Saturn, in their own signs, in front of each other, is going to be very helpful for you, to bring new projects, with great potential and make you busier. Direct motion of Mercury, on 16th September, is going to bless you with new horizons to explore and get benefited, for sure.
Entry of the Sun, into your sign on 17th September, to join Mars and offer an auspicious atmosphere to work with new people on a new platform. Your sign lord Mercury will rise in the east, on the 13th of this month, then create ‘Exchange Yog’ with the Sun, after the 17th of this month, to show you the best possible way, to march ahead.
Retrograde Jupiter and Rahu will be aspecting your fourth house of comforts as well as second house of finances, to ensure sufficient availability of funds to carry on. Combust condition of Mars in your sign only, after the 24th of September, may bring you health-related issues, to take the best possible care of, without fail.
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Libra September Horoscope:
Retrograde Venus is occupying your tenth house of career, from the start of this month, suggesting you keep your professional equation right. Mercury is with the Sun in fiery sign Leo, to provide you the excellence of brain as well as financial prosperity. Ketu is presently occupying your sign to hype your ambition and bless you with auspicious outcomes of your sincere efforts. Retrograde Mercury is going to rise on 13th September, while in fiery sign Leo, to increase your intelligence quotient.
However, a change of sign by the Sun on the 17th of September, can increase your expenditures as Mars will be associated with the Sun, in your twelfth house of expenditures, for your benefit. Combustion of Mars, on 24th September, is going to create a rare ‘Yog’ to push you towards overconfidence. Direct motion of your luck house lord, Mercury, on the 16th of this month, is promising you to bring in better plans for career growth and prosperity.
You have retrograde Saturn occupying your fifth house of talents during this entire month, to let you inculcate unique ideas within your mind to show satisfactory developments in and around. But, the retrograde motion of Jupiter and His association with Rahu, in your seventh house of social reputation is asking you to take care of your hard-earned goodwill in the social sector.
Want to know more about your Monthly Horoscope September? Talk to an expert Astrologer now!
Scorpio September Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mars is occupying your eleventh house of recurring income, in the dual sign Virgo, to bring change in your financial equation and increase your command over the situation. The most auspicious planet of the zodiac Jupiter is also going to assume retrograde motion, from the 4th of this month, in your sixth house of competitions, suggesting you take care about health-related issues. Your leadership quality will allow you to tackle challenging situations more efficiently.
The retrograde motion and combust state of Mercury, till the 13th of this month, is asking you to be careful while inking a big deal with new parties. On the 13th of this month, rising of Mercury, in the east, is indicating the sharpness of brain and the presence of mind, to handle critical problems easily. The presence of retrograde Saturn in your fourth house of comforts will give you handsome deals in property-related matters, to change the scenario visibly.
Growth in your wealth count will provide you with solace of mind. The Sun will change His sign to enter into your eleventh house of income, on the 17th of this month, to join Mars and create a powerful ‘Yog’ to open multiple sources to earn money. Combustion of Mars will happen on the 24th of September, asking you to avoid overconfidence to bypass unwanted troubles and ensure peace of mind.
Speak to an astrologer for insights on your Monthly Horoscope September!
Sagittarius September Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter will assume retrograde motion in Aries sign, from 4th of September, suggesting you be careful about finance-related matters and stay safe. It could bring troubles from the most unexpected corner as Rahu is associated with Jupiter, to take special care of. On the 16th of September, your career house lord Mercury is going to assume direct motion in Leo sign, in your ninth house of luck, to bless you with assertive developments in your prestigious projects, as the Sun is accompanying Mercury, for your benefit.
Try to understand the angle of views of your family members and initiate interactive talk sessions about domestic issues. After the 17th of this month, your luck house lord the Sun will move into your tenth house of career, to join Mars, to bring the much-required wave of changes.
The presence of Venus in Cancer sign is creating ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’, to bless you with growth in wealth count, to let you enjoy brighter days. Combustion of Mars, on 24th September, is asking you to avoid overconfidence at your professional front, to reduce the possibilities of errors at your end.
Capricorn September Horoscope:
The most auspicious planet for your sign Venus will assume direct motion in the seventh house of social repute, on the 4th of this month, to create a very powerful ‘Raaj Yog’, adding new feathers to your cap and offering you excellent support from Lady Luck. Planet of intelligence Mercury will rise on the 13th and then change His motion on the 16th of September, to regain His auspiciousness and create ‘BudhAditya Yog’, showering you with support from a very unexpected corner, increasing your efforts and their outcomes.
Your sign lord Saturn is presently moving via retrograde motion in your second house of finances, to rearrange your finances and make you confident enough to move ahead steadily. The presence of Mars in your ninth house of luck, during this entire month, will attract fortunes for your delight and change the current scenario visibly.
The Sun will be there with Mars, from the 17th of this month, to create a strong ‘Yog’, to shape your ambitious plans accurately, and help you to move on. Alter your game plan in reference to the change of time only, to receive assertive feedback from them. The combust state of Mars in your career house, from the 24th of September, is advising you to go with caution in family and financial matters.
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Aquarius September Horoscope:
Your sign lord Saturn is now retrograde in your sign only, to fetch great deals and brand-new opportunities from abroad. The retrograde motion of Mercury, till the 16th of this month, is advising you to take note of the minute details, while inking a deal with new clients. The Sun will enter into Virgo sign, to join Mars, on the 17th of this month, increasing your confidence for no good reason. But, a change of motion by Venus, from the 4th of September, will help you to receive support from Lady Luck and carry on.
Mercury will rise on the 13th of this month, to help you maintain a perfect equation with everyone in your family circle. Check the viability of someone you trust aplenty, to stay safe, as the combust state of Mars, from the 24th of this month, is going to be an alarming time for you.
On the other hand, the association of retrograde Jupiter and Rahu, in your third house of efforts, is going to be a mixed result giving transit for you, showing you different colours of life. The presence of Ketu in your ninth house of luck, during this entire month, will allow you to dive into spirituality and the religious sector connecting your own self with the supreme power of this universe
Pisces September Horoscope:
Retrograde Jupiter will be with Rahu in your second house of speech, from the 4th of September, suggesting you to think well before you speak at home. Association of the Sun and combust Mercury, through sixth house of struggle, till 13th of this month, will help you to reduce your struggles and show you the brighter shades of life. Planet of intelligence Mercury is going to assume direct motion, on the 16th of this month, to enhance your health prospects.
On the 17th of this month, the entrance of the Sun into Virgo sign, to join Mars, is indicating the possibility of gains through people in authority. The presence of Venus in Cancer sign in your fifth house of talents, during this entire month, is going to create a very rare ‘Yog’, to equip you with an upper hand, in every field.
Retrograde Saturn, your income as well as expenditure house lord, is occupying twelfth house of foreign connections, during this entire month, to fetch potentially sound deals, providing you relief from lack of workflow.
In matters of health and wellness, it is advisable to mind your food intake to enjoy healthy days, without fail. Check the authenticity of documents and information, before forwarding them to anyone, to stay safe, as the combust state of Mars, from the 24th of this month, is going to be an alarming time for you.
Your personalised Monthly Horoscope September can help you be prepared for all the challenges and opportunities coming your way! Talk to an Astrologer now!
As September arrives, the stars have special plans for each of us based on our Moon Signs. Think of it as a map guiding us through the month. While the stars offer hints, our choices still matter. No matter your Moon Sign, whether you’re a daring Aries or practical Virgo, the universe has lessons and opportunities for you.
Embrace these and remember, we’re all part of a bigger picture. We hope you enjoyed your Monthly Horoscope September. Let September be a time of growth and change. We, at StarsTell, will be back next month with your horoscope again! So go into September with bravery and an open heart.
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