Here we have your May horoscope predictions and insights for all Moon Signs. While your Sun Sign represents your outer personality traits, your Moon Sign represents your inner self. Moon Sign is given primary importance in Vedic Astrology. So go on and read what the stars have in store for the Moon Signs! Scroll down to read your monthly May horoscope!
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Aries May Horoscope:
Association of exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu in your sign only, from the very beginning of this month, is suggesting you to go with caution in sensitive matters. Rising of retrograde Mercury, on 10th of this month, may gear up the speed of your ventures faster.
On 10th of this month itself, your sign lord Mars will be entering into His debilitation sign Cancer, which is indicating need of patience as overconfidence might be there to disturb your current equation with all.
Although association of exulted Sun and Mercury in Aries sign is creating ‘BudhAditya Yog’, besides ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’ by the Sun, to offer you best results for your efforts at work.
You are supposed to be extra careful in relationships as something may come up to surprise you. Show your concern about personal matters after 15th of May, in case of actual needs, when Sun will change His sign to come out of exultation, and enter your second house of family and finances.
Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu will remain together in your sign, during the second half of this month, which is sounding an alarm for you, to pay extensive attention, precisely.
Taurus May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Venus is going to enter into your second house of family and finances, on 2nd of this month, creating a strong ‘Dhan Yog’, to your advantage. Over confidence should be avoided as Mars is already there in Gemini sign, to ensure safety. Most auspicious planet for your sign Saturn is occupying your tenth house of career, during this entire month, to help you to fetch mammoth projects with great potential.
Combust state of retrograde Mercury is, again, asking you to make your moves cautiously till 10th of this month, especially in money matters. Entry of Mars into your third house of efforts may make you more confident as Mars is going to be debilitated in Cancer sign.
Transit of the Sun into your sign, will be very much helpful for you to grow much interest in your work and related matters, after 15th of May. There might be a deal in landed properties to cater the increasing needs of your family people.
Try to share your views and versions with your near and dear ones, to reconcile the emotional bond with them. Be careful while interacting with people in your social sector during end of this month, when your sign lord Venus will enter into Cancer sign, on 30th of May.
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Gemini May Horoscope:
‘ChaturGrahi Yog’ is formed from the very first day of this month, in the eleventh house of the recurring income, to bring encouraging news in relation with your money matters. Transit of most auspicious planet for your sign, Venus, into Her own sign Taurus, from 2nd of this month, may bring you pressure of expenditures.
Retrograde motion of your sign lord Mercury in the eleventh house of income will increase the flow of funds. Exulted Sun, Jupiter and Rahu are also there to make the situation more comfortable for you.
It is, on the other hand, supposed to increase your foreign contacts and connections, in a better way. Rising of your sign lord Mercury on 10th of May might play an assertive role for you, still asking you to stay alert in major financial transactions.
Formation of ‘BudhAditya Yog’, in your income house, is another assertive point for you to stay blessed till 15th of this month. Saturn, another auspicious planet for your sign, will be in your ninth house of luck to widen the arena of your interactions.
In your social arena, aspects of Jupiter and Rahu on your seventh house can brew chances of speculation about your intentions.
Cancer May Horoscope:
Your income house lord Venus is moving into twelfth house of expenditures, on 2nd of this month, suggesting you to take very good care of your financial matters. Although divine aspect of Jupiter on your second house of wealth is an assertive point for you to save you from unwanted situations.
The Sun is also travelling very powerfully through your tenth house of career, along with retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu, to make you rise and shine during this month.
Transit of Mars into your sign, on 10th of May, is asking you to stay within your limits of dignity. The Sun will enter into your income house, on 15th of this month, to increase the flow of funds, allowing you to plan about expansion of your financial scenario.
Assertive frame of mind will turn the atmosphere around you into an auspicious one to reduce your stress and wipe out your hurdles. Time will be favourable during this entire month, to show you the bright side of the coin and allow you to grow further. Venus will create ‘Dhan Yog’ in your sign, after 30th of May, to bless you with prosperous atmosphere in and around.
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Leo May Horoscope:
Your sign lord the Sun is exulted in your ninth house of luck, being associated with retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu, till 15th of this month, is spelling your success story. Transit of the most auspicious planet for your sign Mars, through eleventh house of gains, in Gemini sign, is expected to shower you financial bliss with commanding speech and taking courageous steps to achieve your ambitious targets of life.
However, transit of Mars via Cancer sign, after 10th of this month, is advising you to avoid overconfidence, to stay protected from any kind of unwanted situations and make significant progress in life.
Show your management skills, take a few major steps to ensure constant march towards victory. Try to bond with your near and dear ones, as your busy schedule is going to take toll on your relationships, which is against your popular image in your close circle.
To come into terms with the pressure of work, you should indulge in meditation or Yoga to stretch yourself as per the demand of time. Venus will move to your twelfth house of expenses, on 30th of May, to suggest you to go according to your capacity and ensure peace of mind.
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Virgo May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mercury is moving via retrograde motion and placed with exulted Sun, Jupiter and Rahu, in Aries sign, to caution you about unpredictable situations from the very beginning of this month. You are supposed to weigh the pros and cons of any offer appearing in front of you to stay safe.
Entry of Venus into Gemini sign on 2nd of this month, to join Mars, will form an auspicious ‘Raaj Yog’ indicating new horizons opening in front you, to explore and exploit.
Exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu are presently there in your eighth house of longevity to ask you to speak very cautiously while interacting with seniors in your professional arena.
On 10th of May, rising of retrograde Mercury indicates new opportunities in front of you to make it colourful, for your delight. On 15th of this month, change of sign by the Sun indicates a slight change to let you undertake journeys to ascertain new proposals with high potential and business prospects.
Avoid overconfidence while deciding about any lucrative proposal(s) for work, in partnership basis. Venus will create ‘Dhan Yog’ in your eleventh house of gains, after 30th of May, to show you prosperous ambience in and around.
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Libra May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Venus is going to enter into Gemini sign on 2nd of this month to ensure support from Lady Luck and shine like a bright star in your known circle. Rising of retrograde Mercury, your luck house lord, on 10th of May, will be a game changer situation with you.
However, formation of ‘ChaturGrahi Yog’ by exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu, in your seventh house of social repute, will be good enough to polish your image, for your advantage.
Divine aspect of Jupiter on your income house is another auspicious point for you, to ensure financial affluence for your relief. At the same time, your luck house lord Mercury will assume direct motion, on 15th of this month, to bless you with results of your hard work to meet your expectations satisfactorily.
Your most auspicious planet Saturn is now occupying your fifth house of talents, to remain more pious for you throughout this month, indicating long term projects to come into your jurisdiction.
Presence of the Sun in your eighth house during the second half of this month is indicating about sudden gain, beyond your expectations, to leave you overwhelmed.
Scorpio May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Mars is there in Gemini sign, in inauspicious eighth house, till 10th of May, creating an excellent ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’, to influence your second house of family directly, that will provide supporting tool for you, to face financial issues perfectly. Exchange of houses with Mercury is another auspicious transit event for you to bring blessing in disguise.
You should make your moves with transparency, to minimise the possibility of brewing any rumour and stay safe. Rising of retrograde Mercury, on 10th of May, is telling you to research well in advance, to reduce the wastage of valuable time and available resources.
On 10th of this month itself, entrance of Mars into His debilitation sign Cancer, in your ninth house of luck, will try to increase your influence over your opponents because it will create an excellent ‘Raaj Yog’.
Less powerful condition of Mars is asking you to make sincere efforts to carry on flawlessly and act accordingly, to make it going on. The Sun will change His sign to enter into your seventh house on 15th of this month to let you enjoy your social sphere ultimately.
You are advised to draw the fine line between right and wrong to take significant decisions in regard of your relationships and connections.
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Sagittarius May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is placed there in Pisces sign, in your fifth house of emotional equations, to create comfortable atmosphere around, to your delight. Association of exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu is creating ‘ChaturGrahi Yog’ and indicating about more than one sources of earning money.
Exchange of houses between Mars and Mercury is another auspicious transit event for you to bring blessing in disguise. On 10th of May, retrograde Mercury is going to rise in the sky, to improve the equations at your place of work, beyond your calculations.
After 15th of this month, the Sun will be there in your sixth house of competitions, in Taurus sign, to offer you win in competitions and better health prospects for your well-being.
Transit of Mars into Cancer sign is suggesting you to avoid over confidence, as debilitation of Mars might push you to cross the fine line and invite uncomfortable scenario, for your discomfort.
Venus will move into Cancer sign on 30th of May, to join Mars and create ‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’ for your benefit. It is advisable to start proper wellness activities to ensure good days regarding your physical health.
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Capricorn May Horoscope:
Most auspicious planet for your sign Venus is entering into your sixth house of competitions on 2nd of this month, to suggest you to avoid intruding into the sensitive matters of others. Dispute or arguments with anyone should be avoided to secure your peace of mind. Planet Mars is going to move into His debilitation sign Cancer to increase your face value in your social sector.
Jupiter is placed there in your fourth house of comforts to open up new avenues to increase the magnitude of work. Presence of Saturn in your second house of family and finances is indicating changed atmosphere around you and your aura is sure to influence everyone in the vicinity, in an assertive way.
The Sun will be there in your fifth house, from 15th of this month, to show you sunshine in by helping you to show case your talents at the right platform.
You may feel the power of your knowledge and wisdom while interacting with some important personalities. You may make your mind to unite with the nature and feel your connection with the universe.
Search for spirituality and religiousness may be added to your agenda of life. Ketu is aspecting your sign lord Saturn, now in Aquarius sign, to predict this for you. Take care of your health to ensure smooth flow of life without any hindrances around.
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Aquarius May Horoscope:
Presence of Saturn in your sign only, during this entire month, is predicting arrival of potential business opportunities from distant places. Association of exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu in your third house of courage and efforts indicates your sincere efforts and potential activities to move to places and strike long term relationships.
Entrance of Venus into Gemini sign on 2nd of this month, to join with Mars, is also asking you to be careful in the area of health. Exchange of houses between Mars and Mercury is another auspicious transit event for you, to bring blessing in disguise.
Rising of retrograde Mercury, after 10th of this month, is going to bless you with excellence of brain to work with precision. The Sun is coming to your rescue in the second half of this month, to equip you with more power in your hand and authority to enjoy.
Take special care of your food intake and try to avoid rich, spicy dishes to save your digestive system from any kind of troubles. Debilitation of Mars in Cancer sign can make the situation more severe to be handled with more seriousness.
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Pisces May Horoscope:
Your sign lord Jupiter is now transiting through fiery sign Aries, along with exulted Sun, retrograde Mercury and Rahu, to bring your efforts into premium reality. However, indirect motion of Mercury is asking you to move cautiously and not to trust anyone blindly.
Formation of auspicious ‘ChaturGrahi Yog’ in your second house of finances will give you an opportunity to score well in your ventures. Planet Mercury is going to rise on 10th of this month to reduce your struggle and making an assertive image in your close circle.
On 15th of this month, entrance of the Sun into Taurus sign is indicating possibility of short distance travel for work purpose. Mercury will assume direct motion on 15th of May itself, to strike a perfect balance between your personal and social life, providing you a big relief from mental tensions.
Modify your less flexible nature, if the situation is asking you to, for some better changes in future. In the matters of health, it is good time for you to include health related activities in your daily routine.
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