Explore the Divine Equation of Karma and Astrology!

Karma and Astrology

Many civilizations occupied the world; they all had an ancient format of wisdom to understand life and how to have a successful life. Among these, Hindu theology has a huge influence on the world, and the whole world is slowly adopting various methods of Hindu philosophy for their well-being. Among these, Vedic astrology has the biggest role, as even western astrologers are mixing Vedic principles into Western astrology. Vedic astrology gives us the deepest insights into how to lead a good life so that we can reap maximum benefits. Karma and Astrology are interconnected even if most people don’t realise it. Let’s see how!

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Tracing Bhishma's Karma across Lifetimes in the Mahabharata:

Karma is the principle of cause and effect, where one’s actions in this life or previous lives determine their future experiences and circumstances. Karma and astrology are interconnected – astrology shows what our karma was, what it is now, and what it should be. The Vedas, Puranas, and Upanishads speak volumes and volumes about karma and its impact. In the Mahabharata, there is a story about Bhishma, the great warrior and the great grandfather of the Kouravas and Pandavas.

Bhishma, originally known as Devavrata, was the son of King Santanu and Ganga Devi. King Santanu was mesmerized by the beauty of a woman; hence, he was trying to convince her to marry him. The woman was Gangadevi in disguise, and she wanted a promise: if the King wants to marry her then he will never refuse or question whatever she does; if he refuses or questions her, the marriage will end. The King accepted this, and thus they got married, but the true challenges came after the marriage.

Ganga Devi gave birth to eight children, but she threw seven of the infants into the water, killing them. The King was bound by his promise, so he could not stop his wife from killing their own children. However, the father’s emotions burst out when she picked up the eighth child to take to the river. The King stopped his wife, but she reminded him about the promise; she ended the marriage since he stopped her from taking the child with her. Before leaving the King, the woman revealed her true identity as Ganga Devi. Let’s read on and see how this story relates to karma!

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The Severity of Bad Karma:

Once upon a time, there were some heavenly beings called the Vasus and their wives. They were partying in the wilderness, so they were all in a happy mood. One day, the wife of a Vasu named Dyu saw a really nice cow and asked her husband to steal it. This cow was divine because it was the calf of a divine cow named Surabhi, and it belonged to a wise sage named Vashishtha.

Dyu and his brothers tried to steal the cow, but Vashishtha caught them in the act. He was really upset, so he cursed them to be reborn as regular humans and live a tough life. They begged for forgiveness, and Vashishtha agreed that the other seven Vasus would be freed from this curse soon after they were born as humans. However, Dyu, who was the main one behind the theft, had to endure a longer life on earth. The children Ganga killed were those Vasus reborn as humans, who got Moksha and died soon after they were born as per the curse. However, the last child who was reborn was Dyu who had to endure a longer life as per the curse and he was Devavrata, or Bhishma. The life of Bhishma is the best example of how karma impacts our lives.

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Understanding and Breaking the Pattern of Repeating Bad Karma:

Bhishma lived as a celibate and powerful warrior. He wanted a bride for his brother Vichitra Virya, and so he captured three sisters, Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika, from their country, Kashi. Among these girls, Amba was in love with another man, so she was freed by Bhishma, but Amba was rejected by her love interest since he believed that Bhishma had abducted her and so as per tradition she would stay with Bhishma. 

Bhishma could not marry her as he had taken an oath not to marry and so Amba was rejected by him when she went back. She did intense tapas. Then Shiva appeared and gave a boon that she would be the reason for Bhishma’s death. She committed suicide and was reborn as a transgender woman, and she joined the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war and became the reason for the death of Bhishma.

When we look at the life of Bhishma, despite being Dyu or Bhishma, we can see how his karma followed him in different births. In both births, his actions were  following him, and that’s why he told Yudhishtira that Karma is like a calf who seeks and finds his own mother, even if 100s of cows are in the meadow. No matter which body we enter, the result of karma finds us and will take its toll on us.

Astrology can tell us about past lives in terms of the last birth and this birth. It can tell us what our karma was and how it is impacting us in the present. It is not necessary that past-life karma has to be bad. It can also be good; that is why we can see so many people enjoying their lives, and the major share of goodness comes from the good karma from the past.

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Karma and Astrology:

In the horoscope, the fifth house, sixth house, and ninth house indicate past life karma, and the ninth house also indicates karma in the present birth.

Other than the houses, Ketu is the indicator of the past life, and Rahu indicates the obsessions of the present life. Ketu represents the qualities and experiences you have already mastered in your past lives. Its sign and house placement can indicate where you may have a natural talent or inclination, but they may also suggest areas where you could become stuck or overly reliant on past patterns. Rahu represents the lessons and qualities you are meant to develop in this lifetime. Its sign and house placement indicate the areas of life where you need to focus on personal growth and where you may encounter challenges and opportunities for karmic growth.

To determine the houses involved in your past life karma, as indicated by Rahu and Ketu, you’ll need to look at the signs and houses in which your North Node and South Node are placed in your natal chart. For example, if your North Node is in the 7th house, it may suggest that developing relationships and partnerships is a key area of karmic growth in this lifetime. If your South Node is in the 1st house, you may have already mastered self-identity and independence in past lives, but there might be a tendency to overemphasize these qualities to the detriment of your karmic lessons.

How Astrology Can be Used to Explore Karma?

Astrology and the concept of past-life karma are rooted in certain astrological belief systems, particularly within the realms of Vedic or Indian astrology. Here’s a brief overview of how astrology is used to explore past-life karma:

1. Lunar Nodes (Rahu and Ketu): In Vedic astrology, the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, play a significant role in understanding past life karma. Rahu is associated with desires, challenges, and unresolved issues from past lives, while Ketu is linked to lessons learned. The placement of Rahu and Ketu can provide insights into the karmic lessons they are meant to address in this lifetime.

2. Karmic Houses: Some astrologers focus on specific houses in the birth chart to determine past-life karma. For instance, the 12th house is often associated with past life experiences, hidden strengths, and karmic patterns. Planets placed in the 12th house and their aspects can offer clues about past life influences.

3. Retrograde Planets: Retrograde planets, which appear to move backward in the zodiac, are sometimes seen as indicators of unresolved karma from past lives. Their placement and aspects in the birth chart may suggest areas where karmic issues need to be addressed.

4. Aspects and Patterns: Astrologers may also look at aspects (angular relationships) between planets to uncover karmic themes. For example, a challenging aspect (e.g., a square or opposition) between the Moon and Saturn might indicate past life challenges related to emotional security and responsibility.

5. Progressions and Transits: Some studies use progressions and transits to examine how karmic themes play out over time. Major life events or shifts can be interpreted in the context of past life karma, as seen through these astrological methods.

To know more about how your karma is impacting your life, ask the best Astrologers now!

Definitely, astrology can reveal the karmic duties destined for this birth, and that will enlighten us to have a great life. There are endless stories in Vedas, Puranas and in Upanishads which underlines the strong bond between karma and astrology.

karma and astrology karma and astrology karma and astrology karma and astrology

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