What is Your Lucky Colour as per Numerology?


Welcome to the captivating realm of numerology, a profound ancient art that reveals the mythical connection between numbers and human life. In numerology, each number carries a unique vibration and significance, influencing various aspects of our personality and life path. But did you know these numbers are intrinsically linked to specific colours with symbolic meanings? In this blog, we’ll delve into the intriguing realm of numerology colours and learn how they may reveal essential truths about who we are and what numerology colours are best for us. So, let’s dive in and uncover the hidden potential of numbers through the prism of colours!

Understanding Numerology and Colour Significance:

Numerology is the ancient study of numbers and their influence on human life. Each number affects various aspects of our personality, behaviours, and life path. Moreover, numbers are intrinsically connected to specific colours that hold symbolic meanings. Understanding the colour significance in numerology allows us to harness the power of colours to enhance our positive traits, navigate challenges, and lead a more harmonious life. We gain deeper insights into ourselves and our true potential by exploring the interplay between numbers and colours. Numerology colour significance provides a holistic approach to personal growth and self-awareness, guiding us to align with the energies that resonate with our authentic selves.

Venus is the ruling planet of this sign itself, to create ‘Dhan Yog’ for their advantage and provide financial bliss, to offer auspicious results, without fail. Association of Jupiter is adding more power to this transit event, to make the scenario far better.

Do you want to talk to a numerologist for more insights? Click here!

The Numerology Number Meanings and Corresponding Colours:

Number 1: The Pioneer:

Colours: Red, Gold, Yellow

Number 1 represents independence, leadership, and ambition. Red symbolizes passion and determination, gold reflects success and abundance, while yellow signifies intellect and creativity.

Number 2: The Peacemaker:

Colours: White, Silver, Green

Number 2 embodies cooperation, harmony, and empathy. White signifies purity and balance, silver represents intuition and reflection, and green symbolizes growth and healing.

Number 3: The Creative Communicator:

Colours: Yellow, Orange, Purple

Number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression, and enthusiasm. Yellow embodies optimism and joy, orange reflects vitality and charisma, while purple symbolizes spirituality and imagination.

Number 4: The Builder:

Colours: Green, Blue, Black

Number 4 is practical, reliable, and hardworking. Green signifies stability and growth, blue represents tranquillity and trust, while black symbolizes mystery and transformation.

Number 5: The Adventurer:

Colours: Blue, Turquoise, Brown

Number 5 craves adventure, freedom, and change. Blue signifies communication and inspiration, turquoise reflects healing and intuition, while brown symbolizes grounding and reliability.

Number 6: The Nurturer:

Colours: Pink, Blue, Green

Number 6 embodies love, responsibility, and harmony. Pink signifies compassion and emotional healing, blue reflects devotion and intuition, while green symbolizes nurturing and balance.

Number 7: The Seeker:

Colours: Purple, White, Black

Number 7 seeks knowledge, inner wisdom, and spiritual understanding. Purple signifies intuition and mysticism, white reflects purity and clarity, while black symbolizes introspection and transformation.

Number 8: The Achiever:

Colours: Black, Brown, Pink

Number 8 is ambitious, disciplined, and materialistically focused. Black signifies power and elegance, brown reflects stability and practicality, while pink symbolizes love and prosperity.

Number 9: The Humanitarian:

Colours: Gold, Red, Maroon

Number 9 is compassionate, selfless, and humanitarian. Gold signifies wisdom and enlightenment, red reflects action and passion, while maroon symbolizes inner strength and perseverance.

Click here to read our blog on which gemstone you should wear as per your numerology number!

Uncover Your True Self Through Numerology:

Numerology is a fascinating tool that offers profound insights into your personality, strengths, and life path based on your birth date and name. Let’s explore how to improve your life using your numerology number:

Step 1: Find Your Life Path Number:

Add all the digits of your birth date together and reduce it to a single-digit or master number (11, 22, 33).
For example, if you were born on 19th August 1995
The date, 19, is reduced to 1 + 9 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
The month 7, is reduced to 7
The year, 1995, is reduced to 1 + 9 + 9 + 5. This equals 24. Then, 24 is reduced to 2 + 4 = 6.
Now we add the reduced month, date and year numbers (1 + 7 + 6) and we get 14.
Finally, we add 1 + 4 and get 5.
Your Life Path Number is 5.

Step 2: Explore Your Numerology colours:

With your life path number in hand, explore the corresponding colours that resonate with your unique traits and purpose in life.

Step 3: Personalized Numerology Insights:

Let StarsTell numerologists guide you through your numerology analysis. Receive personalized reports and expert advice on embracing your true colours for personal development.

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Step 4: Transform Your Life with Numerology:

Align with the energies of your numerology number via colours and experience positive shifts in every aspect of your life.

The Role of Numerology in Personal Development:

Numerology significantly influences personal development, offering valuable insights into our personality, emotions, and life path. Understanding and incorporating numerology especially numerology colours into our lives can enhance our strengths, address challenges, and lead to a more fulfilling and balanced existence. Here are some key points that highlight the role of numerology as per your numerology colour in personal development:

Self-awareness and Understanding:

Numerology provides a deeper understanding of our core traits and tendencies. Knowing which numerology colours resonate with us gives us insights into our emotions, desires, and motivations. This self-awareness helps us make informed decisions and align our actions with our true selves.

Emotional Healing:

Colours have a profound impact on our emotions. We can overcome past traumas and find inner peace by embracing colours that promote healing and emotional balance. These colours serve as powerful tools for healing wounds and fostering emotional well-being.

Enhancing Positive Traits:

Numerology colours associated with our life path and birth date numbers amplify our positive qualities. Incorporating these hues into our daily lives may increase our creativity, intuition, and self-assurance, resulting in success and personal progress.

What’s your numerology number? Talk to an expert numerologist for further guidance!

Overcoming Challenges:

Each colour in numerology has unique attributes that can help us tackle challenges and obstacles effectively. By harnessing the energy of specific colours, we gain the strength and resilience needed to navigate difficult times.

Creating Harmony:

Colours influence our surroundings and atmosphere. By incorporating numerology colours into our living and workspaces, we can create a harmonious environment that fosters positivity and productivity.

Intentional Dressing:

Dressing intentionally by choosing colours aligned with our numerology number can profoundly impact our mood and energy. Wearing colours that resonate with our goals and aspirations helps us feel empowered and focused throughout the day.

Spiritual Connection:

Some numerology is closely associated with spirituality and intuition. Embracing these numerology colours can deepen our spiritual connection and enhance our understanding of the higher aspects of life.

Clarity and Direction:

Numerology colours provide clarity and direction in our lives. By recognizing the colours that support our life path and goals, we can make better choices and stay focused on our true purpose.


Numerology colours serve as powerful tools for personal development and self-discovery. We may build on our strengths, overcome obstacles, and live a more balanced and satisfying existence by comprehending the meaning of these colours and applying them to our daily lives.  Whether healing emotional wounds, boosting confidence, or finding spiritual connection, numerology colours offer a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation.

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