Love compatibility of Aquarius with other Zodiac Signs

Aquarius Love Compatibility with other Zodiac signs

Aquarius & Aries

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Aries

Aries and Aquarius do not make for a very good combination and arguments are likely to start from day one itself. This is because both the zodiac individuals are very self-willed people and this is where there is a personality clash.

The Aquarius individual is exceptionally independent-minded and too liberated for the normally domineering Aries.

Aquarius & Taurus

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Taurus

The Aquarius individual works to fulfil his/her thirst for knowledge and self-expression, while the Taurus views hard work as a means to earn a stable income.

Material gains and security play a big role for the Taurus, which, however, is of the least importance to the Aquarius. It is here that the basic incompatibility occurs between the two.

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Aquarius & Gemini

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Gemini

Gemini and Aquarius often make a perfect match, since the Gemini can wax eloquent on virtually any topic, which the Aquarius can dream about.

Aquarius loves a good conversationalist and Gemini seems to be the ideal person in this regard.

Sometimes, this pair will get completely involved in the feelings and interests of others, and this would wonderfully stimulate their minds together.

Aquarius & Cancer

Aquarius has a tendency to bring about a change in the surroundings by improving everything that’s around. 

However, Cancer is not expected to allow Aquarius to change him/her in any way and is traditionally conservative by nature.

If Aquarius tries to alter the Cancer partner forcibly, the crab will shut itself deeper into the shell.

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Aquarius & Leo

In the initial stages of their relationship, Leo gets the impression that Aquarius is a very warm-hearted personality underneath that cold exterior.

Leo is disillusion and heartbroken when the real truth surfaces. What Leo ultimately has to accept is that the Aquarian partner can never match Leo’s generosity and natural warmth of character, and is emotionally reserved.

Aquarius & Virgo

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Virgo

In the initial stages, Virgo thinks Aquarius leads a very charmed life, and this could explain the initial attraction.

On the other hand, Aquarius Is draw towards the Virgo by the latter’s show of independence and self-reliance. Thus, the relationship starts on a superficial note, based on first impressions alone.

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Aquarius & Libra

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Libra

The bond between Libra and Aquarius initially starts from the fact that both of them are attract to unusual people, and loads of social activities, such as parties, outings, etc.

In fact, they may be meeting for the first time at one such party and instantly get attract to one another.

Aquarius & Scorpio

The problem with a Scorpio and Aquarius alliance begins when the highly emotional Scorpio tries to treat the Aquarius as personal property.

When the latter does not agree to such tactics, the inherent Scorpio jealousy will rear its ugly head.

It when the situation becomes truly sad for the Aquarian partner, and he/she will start to wonder why he/she fell in love with the Scorpio partner in the first place.

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Aquarius & Sagittarius

Aquarius will initially find the Sagittarius partner to be a very stable individual, one who seems to be the right match for him/her.

At the same time, Sagittarius will find the warm and light-hearted Aquarius to be a welcome distraction from his/her own mundane life.

Aquarius & Capricorn

Aquarius is inherently helpful by nature. The same will also apply to Capricorn when the Aquarius mate will try to pull him/her through a mental crisis or depression.

However, later Aquarius finds it to be simply a waste of time and effort in the wrong direction.

For more information on Aquarius Love Compatibility call +91-85 8800 9900 or Talk to Astrologer

Aquarius & Aquarius

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Aquarius

Aquarians as partners are mentally very compatible, and they perhaps make the most helpful couple in the world. They love to share their problems with one another and try to find out common solutions.

Once they are away from the public eye, they will also reveal their true love for each other, and become mushy and romantic.

Aquarius & Pisces

Aquarius Love Compatibility with Pisces

While Aquarius is constantly concerned with the problems of others, the Pisces partner will consciously stay aloof since the latter believes it will only add to his/her problems in life.

Pisces, however, has an inherent need for sympathy and attention, and the Aquarius will, at times, fulfil this need.

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