First Letter of Your Name Reveals Many Things About You

First Letter of Your Name Reveals Many Things About You

Every letter is governed by a particular number. And every number is ruled by a particular planet.

So, the first letter of your name also invokes the vibrations and significances of that particular planet to shape your life, very effectively.

Let us have a curious look into it, in detail…

A is the first letter of English alphabets and number 1 is the governing number for A.

Number 1 comes under the influence of the Sun. The Sun is the king of the council of planets of our zodiac.

The Sun represents father, head of any organization, government, high ambition in our mind, and success.

Generally, people having A as the first letter of their name attain a very high position in their professional as well as social lives.

B is the second letter of English alphabets and number 2 is the governing number for B.

Number 2 comes under the jurisdiction of the Moon. The Moon is the queen in the council of planets of our universe.

The Moon represents mother, emotions in us, creative talents, romantic feelings in our mind, and serenity.

Usually, people having B as the first letter of their name attain very good popularity in every sphere of their lives. 

C is the third letter of English alphabets and number 3 is the governing number for C.

Number 3 comes under the influence of Jupiter. Jupiter is the minister of the council of planets of our zodiac.

He represents finances, holy nature, religion, spirituality, something big in volume, helpful mindset.

Generally, people having C as the first letter of their name attain the position of kingmaker in their professional lives.

D is the fourth letter of English alphabets and number 4 is the governing number for D.

Number 4 comes under the influence of the unpredictable planet Rahu. Rahu is one of the malefic planets in the council of planets of our zodiac.

Rahu represents foreigners, disputes of any kind, lower caste people, sudden developments in our life, and intoxicant objects.

Generally, people having D as the first letter of their name attain critical position or policymaker in the major professional organizations.

E is the fifth letter of English alphabets and number 5 is the governing number for E.

Number 5 comes under the influence of the intelligent planet Mercury.

Mercury enjoys the status of the prince in the council of planets of our zodiac.

Mercury represents intelligence, the sharpness of the brain, creative talent, the young generation, presence of mind, and childish nature in us.

Generally, people having E as the first letter of their name reaches very scholarly places in their professional lives,

by the virtue of their brainpower only.

F is the sixth letter of English alphabets and number 6 is the governing number for F.

Number 6 has Venus as the ruling planet. Venus is the minister in the council of planets of our zodiac.

Venus represents wife, art and culture, good things of the world, attachment with our near and dear ones.

Generally, people having F as the first letter of their name are the famous people in an adorable place in their professional as well as personal lives.

G is the seventh letter of English alphabets and number 7 is the governing number for G.

Number 7 comes under the influence of Ketu, another mysterious planet of the universe.

Ketu is another nonexisting planet of the council of planets of our zodiac.

Ketu represents aged relatives, researchers of any medical organization,

foreigners, spirituality in our mind, and affinity towards Almighty God.

Generally, people having G as the first letter of their name attain a very important position in their professional as well as social lives.

H is the eighth letter of English alphabets and number 8 is the governing number for H.

Number 8 comes under the influence of Saturn. Saturn is given the status of a servant in the council of planets of our zodiac.

Saturn represents older persons of the society, hard-working section of the society, laborious acts, slow progress in our life, and disciplined mindset. Generally,

people having H as the first letter of their name attain a very responsible position in their professional front because of simple hard work and only hard work.

I am the ninth letter of English alphabets and number 9 is the influencing number for me.

Number 9 comes under the jurisdiction of the energetic planet Mars.

Mars enjoys the status of commander-in-chief in the council of planets of our zodiac.

Mars represents young populations of the society, leader type people in the world,

courageous nature, restless tendencies in our mind, and risk-taking mindset.

Generally, people having I as the first letter of their name shoulder very big responsibilities in their professional as well as social lives.

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