Description of Rising Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn is the planet positioned at the last of the council of planets and considered as the planet of ultimate justice as well as spirituality.
Being related with hard work and production sector, Saturn plays a very important role in our day to day lives. So, rising of Saturn is an auspicious event in the sky, to impact us assertively.
Rising of Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn, now moving through a weak state of combustion, is going to rise in the east, on 21st of February, at 18.11 pm, in His own sign Capricorn, to become strong again in the cosmic council of celestial bodies.
Saturn was slip into combustion on 19th of January 2022, to become powerless for a period of little more than a month. According to Indian System of Vedic Astrology, Saturn enjoys the status of servant, labour class people and matters related with production and hard work.
Auspicious results are expect for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius Moon sign natives.
Taurus Moon Sign
Saturn is the ruler of the ninth and tenth houses to play the role of ‘Yog Kaarak’ planet for them and offer auspicious results, without fail. Support from Lady Luck, increase in reputation at the workplace, and benefits coming from distant places are expect to come to their kitty, as a result of this transit.
Libra Moon Sign
It is going to be a very auspicious transit to remove existing obstacles and offer more than satisfactory results of their sincere efforts. A friendly association of Mercury will be there with Saturn, till the 6th of March, and help them to sort out complicated issues amicably.
Capricorn Moon Sign
Those who are born with Capricorn Moon Sign are expecting to experience spectacular changes in their family front. Financial matters seem emerging with better prospects.
Ongoing problems are likely to solve amicably, by the 6th of March, when Mercury will move into the next sign Aquarius.
Aquarius Moon Sign
In case of Aquarius Moon Sign people, this transit is happening in the twelfth house of foreign connections that could widen the possibilities of getting benefits from distant places. Long term association with potentially sound business houses will come in the fore, to let them grow more.
So, this transit is going to be a unique one, to offer pretty good prospects and new avenues to help them flourish and shine. To know more. Click here
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