Monthly Horoscope June 2024 – Read Horoscope for all 12 Zodiac Signs

Welcome to your monthly horoscope June 2024! This month promises significant astrological events that will shape the destinies of all 12 zodiac signs. From the dynamic energy of Mars in Aries to the transformative retrogression of Saturn, June is packed with celestial movements that will influence your personal and professional life. Whether you’re looking for insights into your love life, career prospects, or financial stability, our detailed horoscopes have you covered. Dive in to discover how the stars align for you this month and prepare for the opportunities and challenges ahead. While your Sun Sign represents your outer personality traits, your Moon Sign represents your inner self. Moon Sign or Rashi is given primary importance in Vedic Astrology.

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Before we read our predictions for the 12 Moon Signs, let’s see what the major transits are this month:

Mars in Aries – 1 June 2024, 15.37 pm
Rising of Jupiter – 3 June 2024, 00.40 am
Combustion of Mercury – 3 June 2024, 09.02 am
Venus in Gemini – 12 June 2024, 18.29 pm
Mercury in Gemini – 14 June 2024, 23.05 pm
The Sun in Gemini – 15 June 2024, 00.27 am
Rising of Mercury – 26 June 2024, 05.05 am
Mercury in Cancer – 29 June 2024, 12.26 pm
Retrogression of Saturn – 30 June 2024, 00.29 am

Now, let’s take at the monthly horoscope June for the 12 Moon Signs (Rashi):

Aries June Horoscope:

Valentine Day AriesFrom the very first day of this month, your sign lord Mars will be in your sign only, which indicates your upper hand in important matters, that will bring you benefit as per your June horoscope. Association of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus in your finance house is creating ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ to bless you with pretty assertive developments, helping you to get going with ease.

aturn is placed ideally in the eleventh house of gains and Venus in the second house of finances, in their own signs, which are other auspicious placements for receiving support from every corner and increasing your influence, in and around.

You should stay careful as twelfth house lord Jupiter will be combust in your second house of finances, along with the Sun, Mercury and combust Venus, that might create some ego problems also. Your monthly horoscope June also says that the Sun will change signs on the 15th of June and enter your third house of efforts, to join Mercury and Venus, offering good results for you as far as matters of promotion or upliftment are concerned.

Be careful after 26th June when your struggles house lord Mercury will rise in the west, in your efforts house. A change of sign by Mercury on the 29th of June may reduce the intensity of this problem, up to a certain extent, for your relief. Support from your close family members will be there, helping you to come to terms with life. Overconfidence should be avoided at every stage of your life, to safeguard your interests, as Saturn will assume indirect motion at the end of this month.

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Taurus June Horoscope:

Taurus Horoscope 2022As per your monthly horoscope June, your sign lord Venus is combust in your sign, along with the Sun, combust Jupiter and Mercury, from the beginning of this month, to invite prosperous ambiance in and around. Association of four planets in your sign is an auspicious event for you, to fetch lucrative projects from distant places. Entry of Venus into your finance house, on 12th June, is going to create a ‘Dhan Yog’ and show you the brighter side of the coin.

Aspects of Mars and Rahu will be there on your seventh house of social repute that will help you to portray an ambitious image in your social circle. Saturn is ideally placed in your tenth house of professional career, which is Aquarius sign, ruled by Saturn, Himself, to let you progress slowly but steadily.

transit of the Sun into your second house of finances in Gemini sign will be helpful for you to shine your financial front. Retrogression of Saturn in your career house, on the 30th of June, is supposed to become a pretty auspicious transit event for you, indicating a substantial increase in your area of operation, to reach the target of your life, without fail.

Your June horoscope advises – try to rectify the flaws at work and use your presence of mind to sort out the complicated issues and streamline the process of professional activities.

Gemini June Horoscope:

Gemini HoroscopeYour sign lord Mercury is combust in your twelfth house, along with the Sun, Jupiter, and combust Venus, from the very first day of this month, to suggest you manage your finances wisely. Transit of your ruling planet Mercury through His friendly sign Taurus, till the 14th of June, can bring more expenditures on account of renovation or makeover of your household.

As per your monthly horoscope June, the association of your sign lord Mercury with the Sun and Venus, in your sign, after the 15th of this month, is supposed to increase your efforts, energy level, courage, and confidence of mind. The formation of ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ by the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, in the Taurus sign, is not an auspicious point for you, to stay alert in money matters till the 15th of this month.

Saturn, another auspicious planet for your sign, will start moving via retrograde motion, from the 30th of June, to provide you relief as Saturn is there in your ninth house of luck. Combustion of your sign lord Mercury, from the 3rd of June, will not play an assertive role for you, reducing the opportunities to rise and shine.

On the family front, you are advised to move practically to minimise the chances of misunderstandings with anyone. ‘BudhAditya Yog’ will be formed after the 15th of this month, in your sign only, to enhance your excellence of brain and is expected to bring enjoyable scenarios in and around. Hope you liked your June horoscope!

Cancer June Horoscope:

Cancer HoroscopeYour income house lord Venus is occupying Her own sign, in association with the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, to create a superb ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ and offer you opportunities to create wealth aplenty. Mars is your career house lord and is placed in His own sign Aries, forming a strong ‘Raaj Yog’, to bless you with a significant rise in the area of work. As per your June horoscope, the Sun will enter into Gemini sign on the 5th of this month, to join Mercury and Venus, increasing your expenses for a genuine

The retrograde motion of Saturn from the 30th of this month can create an unexpected assertive situation to show you sunshine. ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ is formed in your twelfth house till the 29th of this month, which is going to help you expand your ventures and support you in creating opportunities for growth and a brighter future.

You may have to travel extensively during this time to strike new and lucrative deals. Entry of Mercury into Gemini sign, to become stronger, from the 14th of June, may inject ambition and a go-getting attitude within you, giving you an upper hand over your opponents. Your monthly horoscope June says take care of the situation around you and think about the consequences of your actions, well in advance.

Want to know more about your Monthly Horoscope June? Talk to an expert Astrologer now!

Leo June Horoscope:

Valentine’s Day LeoYour monthly horoscope June says that your sign lord the Sun is occupying your career house, along with Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, till the 15th of June, to bless you with professional success. On the 14th of this month, Mercury will move to His own sign Gemini, to join Venus and bless you with excellence of brain. After the 15th of June, entry of the Sun into your eleventh house of income is sure to offer you financial gains, to let you cheer up.

Your fourth house lord Mars is creating ‘Raaj Yog’ in the ninth house of luck and fetching you great support from Lady Luck. Jupiter is also forming a powerful ‘Raaj Yog’ in your career house, offering you pretty lucrative opportunities in your professional ventures. You may think about purchasing luxurious items or an upgraded vehicle during this month.

The need for a bigger and more spacious house may emerge in front of you, to accommodate the genuine needs of your family members. Shed your hesitation while making a bold decision to keep things moving smoothly. 

As per your June horoscope, the retrograde motion of Saturn from the 30th of this month, in your seventh house of social repute, is capable of offering you appropriate opportunities to shine in your social circle. Transit of Mercury in your twelfth house of expenditures, after the 29th of June, is suggesting you manage your budget with precision and stay blessed.

Virgo June Horoscope:

Valentine Day VirgoThe Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are together in the Taurus sign, from the very beginning of this month, to create ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ and ensure a very powerful atmosphere around you. As per monthly horoscope June the entrance of Mercury into His own sign Gemini, on the 14th of June, to join Venus and form ‘Bhadra Yog’ to add sunshine to your career front and receive great support from Lady Luck.

‘Yog Kaarak’ planet for your sign Venus is going to be there in your career house, till the end of this month, helping you to receive support from every corner. On the 15th of June, a change of sign by the Sun indicates significant developments to improve your financial situation as well as connection with foreign sources, to provide you motivation and moral boost.

Combust state of Mercury from 26th of this month, in your tenth house of career is asking you to go with caution in your vital tasks done in the recent past time. On the 29th of June Mercury is entering into the watery sign Cancer, predicting new avenues to make more revenues successfully. Your June horoscope indicates the retrogression of Saturn from the 30th of June, in your sixth house of competitions, is supposed to create auspicious outcomes of your sincere efforts, indicating brand new opportunities for your delight.

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Libra June Horoscope:

Valentine Day Libra

Your sign lord Venus is associated with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in earthy sign Taurus, at the beginning of this month, in your eighth house, to revive the scenario at your family front as per your monthly horoscope June. But the presence of Mars in the Aries sign may inject restlessness within you, to be extra careful about relationships. However, the formation of ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ by the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, in your eighth house, will be helpful to receive unconditional support from your family members, to emerge as an influential person in your home front.

Act according to the demand of time as it is necessary for you to go with the flow of events. In the later part of this month, Mercury will enter into your ninth house of luck, on the 14th of June, to be there in His own sign Gemini, and become powerful enough, along with Venus.

The Sun will join Mercury, on the next day, to create ‘BudhAditya Yog’ ensuring excellence of the brain for your advantage. Your June horoscope says that the most auspicious planet Saturn will start moving through retrograde motion, from the 30th of this month, to offer the best possible results of your sincere efforts and write your success story in the language of prosperity.

Scorpio June Horoscope:

Valentine Day ScorpioAs per your June horoscope your sign lord Mars is changing sign, on the very first day of this month, to enter into His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aries and reduce your struggles, giving you an upper hand to sort out the problems with ease. Your social image is expected to get a facelift because of the presence of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus in your seventh house of social reputation.

Your magnetic personality will attract people towards you to increase your fan following in the close circle. Aspects of Jupiter and Rahu on your income house will create a very strong ‘Yog’ to let you see a sharp increase in your flow of funds.

The Sun will change His sign to enter into your eighth house of longevity, on the 15th of this month, suggesting you refrain from a stubborn attitude and shape up your ambitious ventures into reality. You are seen to draw attention from every corner of the room, striking long-term relationships, and cherishing them as well.

However, the combust state of Mercury, from the 3rd of this month is asking you to rely on your capability and to stay in an advantageous position, till the 26th of June. From the 30th of this month, the retrograde motion of Saturn in your fourth house of materialistic comforts will try to increase your comfort zone.

Do you want to know what June has in store for you? Talk to our expert Astrologer about your monthly horoscope March!

Sagittarius June Horoscope:

Valentine Day SagittariusYour sign lord Jupiter is associated with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, from the beginning of this month, in your sixth house of competitions, to foresee the possibility of freedom from tensions. On the 14th of June, Mercury is going to enter into the Gemini sign and offer you the excellence of the brain. After 15th of this month, the Sun will be there in Gemini sign, in your seventh house of social standing, to spread an assertive aura around, blessing you with auspicious results and increasing your social reputation.

As per monthly horoscope June, the combust state of Mercury till the 26th of June, is asking you to check your choice of words to keep the situation under control. It is high time to avoid overconfidence to stay protected. Mars is receiving aspect from Saturn, occupying your fifth house of talents, during this entire month, to suggest you avoid a carefree attitude, on any front, to stay safe.

Mercury will enter into watery sign Cancer on 29th of June, to increase your face value, to your advantage. Saturn will be there in Aquarius sign, going to adopt retrograde motion on 30th of June, to make your efforts more productive and give an upper hand in this sector.

Capricorn June Horoscope:

Valentine’s Day CapricornPlanet Mercury is going to become combust from 3rd of this month which may create rift in your close relationships. The most auspicious planet for your sign Venus is associated with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter, in your fifth house of talents, in the earthy sign Taurus, till the 12th of June, to offer you a financial breakthrough. You are advised to control your emotions and expressions, to manage things more professionally.

The Sun will be there in your sixth house of competitions, from 15th of this month, helping you to remove your struggles and push you to stay ahead of your competitors and rivals. You are most likely to hear encouraging news from distant places, which will surely be a mind-booster for you.

You should make it a routine exercise to meditate and strengthen your accurate intuition power in the future. Share your views with like-minded people in order to make your space in others’ minds. It is not a very favourable time for you to invest a huge amount of money in any scheme.

Your monthly horoscope June indicates that Mercury will enter into His own sign Gemini on the 26th of June, to join the Sun and create ‘BudhAditya Yog’, to your delight. Retrogression of Saturn through the Aquarius sign is showing an increase in knowledge through extensive study and brainstorming sessions.

Discuss your personalised Monthly Horoscope June with our expert astrologers!

Aquarius June Horoscope:

Valentine’s Day AquariusAs per your monthly horoscope June, ‘Yog Kaarak’ planet for your sign Venus is in association with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter, in your fourth house of comforts, to provide you the best kind of luxuries, till the 12th of this month. The presence of Mars in your third house can boost your confidence level. The Sun is already present there in your fourth house, giving you an upper hand, to move on with your prestigious plans.

Your flagship project is about to take off after a long wait when Mercury will enter into Gemini sign, on 14th of June and create a powerful ‘BudhAditya Yog’. The aspect of Ketu on the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus is suggesting you to adopt better resolutions along with an assertive frame of mind. The Sun will enter into your fifth house of talents in Gemini sign on 15th of this month, creating new avenues of earning money, to your advantage.

And combustion of Mercury, till the 26th of this month, is sounding an alert for you while performing documentation works and completing legal formalities. Retrogression of Saturn at the end of June will help you to manage the situation with more precision. Routine health check-up is advisable for you at this point of time because of this planetary transit in the sky.

Pisces June Horoscope:

Valentine’s Day PiscesYour sign lord Jupiter is now associated with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your third house of efforts, asking you to control your enthusiastic self. Formation of rare ‘ChaturGrahee Yog’ in your third house of courage may create a busy schedule of work, to keep you occupied. Planet Mercury is going to slip into combustion on the 3rd of this month to remove your existence struggles.

Mars rules the ninth house of luck in your horoscope and, hence, plays the role of an auspicious planet for your sign. Mercury will enter into His own sign Gemini on the 14th of June, to join the Sun, Venus, and create ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, to your advantage. On the 15th of this month, the entrance of the Sun into the Gemini sign indicates the possibility of benefit through people in authority.

Your June horoscope says to change your over-sensitive attitude, if the situation demands so, for the sake of long-term benefits. In matters of health, it is a pretty good time for you to enjoy hazard-free days. Plan to invest your surplus funds in systematic investment schemes, to reap a handful of returns later. Retrogression of Saturn at the end of this month is capable enough to reduce the gap between your income and expenditures, providing you a big relief from financial tensions.

Get to know your personalised Monthly Horoscope June from our expert astrologers!

As June unfolds, the celestial alignments offer a mixed bag of opportunities and challenges across all signs. By understanding these astrological influences, you can navigate the month with greater awareness and preparedness. Remember, while your Sun Sign sheds light on your outer personality traits, your Moon Sign delves deeper into your inner self. Don’t forget to check your Moon Sign using our FREE Calculator for a more comprehensive understanding of your monthly horoscope june. Stay tuned, stay positive, and let the stars guide you through an enriching month ahead. In case you have any questions, StarsTell’s trusted astrologers are there to guide you!

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