Love compatibility of Capricorn with other Zodiac Signs

Capricorn Love Compatibility with other Zodiac signs

Capricorn & Aries

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Aries

The initial cause for the Aries’ liking for the Capricorn lies in the latter’s ambitious nature and active attempt to scale the heights of glory.

On the other hand, Capricorn fascinated by the strong character and vitality of the Aries individual.

Capricorn & Taurus

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Taurus

The Capricorn and Taurus individuals seem to share a natural empathy between them, which make them understand the other person’s feelings, joys, and depressions alike.

Later on, in the relationship, Taurus finds that Capricorn is extremely ambitious and intelligent in nature, and this may or may not please the Taurus partner.

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Capricorn & Gemini

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Gemini

The twins find the Goat to be very strange. Ultimately, Gemini must realize that Capricorn places a lot of emphasis on the workplace and on career pursuits, and should do well to develop an interest in it.

Otherwise, the relationship will be in name only, as the Capricorn will shut out the Gemini from his/her life.

Capricorn & Cancer

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Cancer

The typical Capricorn devotes the major part of his/her energies to the professional sphere. The Ram believes in hard work to achieve the heights of glory.

At the same time, the Cancer mate is totally home-oriented and, so, will inevitably sulk at the Capricorn’s behaviour.

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Capricorn & Leo

Leo and Capricorn are personalities that are worlds apart, and this reflects in the everyday life they spend together as partners.

Leo is dominant and flashy, liking the high life with the best of clothes and food to complement it

On the other hand, the Ram is plain and simple-minded, preferring to save up money for later life, and concentrating only on work.

Capricorn & Virgo

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Virgo

A union between Capricorn and Virgo will start with a bang since the physical attraction between the two is likely to be a strong one.

Moreover, they also have similar ideas regarding finance, which will only serve to deepen the emotional bond between them.

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Capricorn & Libra

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Libra

What may initially attract the Libra to the Capricorn is the fact that the latter is very organised and this, somehow, reflects strength in character to the whimsical Libra.

On the other hand, Libra is simply great at entertaining people and the Capricorn feels this is an essential ingredient for a professionally successful career.

Capricorn & Scorpio

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Scorpio

The initial reason why Capricorn becomes attracted to the Scorpio maybe because of the formers liking for peace and calm. Later, however, the Capricorn shocked when Scorpio’s true nature comes to the forefront.

The inherent Scorpio jealousy and possessiveness rears its ugly head when he/she finds the Capricorn partner to be too engrossed with work.

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Capricorn & Sagittarius

Sagittarius is very poor with finances and just cannot seem to hold on to money. This is the cause for his/her attraction to the Capricorn, who is likely to excel in the financial sector.

This is, thus, likely to be an office romance. On the other side, the pessimistic Capricorn, forever bogged down by thoughts of financial success,

will find the warm and light-hearted Sagittarius to be a welcome distraction from their own mundane lives.

Capricorn & Capricorn

Capricorns as partners obviously share the same mental and physical traits; both of them are typical workhorses. But, that may leave them with very little time for each other.

In fact, ninety percent of their marital life might be spent in the office or at least discussing about work.

For more information on Capricorn Love Compatibility call +91-85 8800 9900 or Talk to Astrologer

Capricorn & Aquarius

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Aquarius

Aquarius is inherently helpful by nature. The same will also apply to Capricorn when the Aquarius mate will try to pull him/her through a mental crisis or depression.

However, later Aquarius finds it to be simply a waste of time and effort in the wrong direction.

Capricorn & Pisces

Capricorn Love Compatibility with Pisces

What initially attracts Pisces to Capricorn is the latter’s efficiency. Pisces is constantly demoralized and looking for a shoulder to cry on.

He/she feels everybody is trying to harm him/her and looks for someone stable and dependable.

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