Happy Birthday Urvashi Rautela: We wish you a good Career and success!

Happy Birthday Urvashi Rautela

Description of Urvashi Rautela:

Born on 25th of February 1994, Urvashi Rautela is a Leo native by Moon sign, according to Indian System of Vedic Astrology. King of our solar system the Sun is her ruling planet, which is occupying Aquarius sign, along with retrograde Mercury, Venus and Saturn, in the seventh house of social reputations in her birth chart.

Let us view his life from the Astrological Angle!

Association of the Sun and Mercury in her natal chart is a very favourable point for Urvashi Rautela that made her rise visibly in her professional career.

Association of the Sun and Venus together is confirming about her intellectual abilities to acquire a strong platform successfully.

In her horoscope, Taurus sign comes in the tenth house of career and placement of its lord Venus, occupying seventh house of social repute, in Aquarius sign, is an advantageous placement of planets for her to give her enough practicality to face tough situations of her life with courage and tactfulness.

Know your personal predictions from our expert astrologers

Her horoscope is having exulted Mars placed in sixth house of competitions, in Capricorn sign, to make her journey a bit easier by removing the obstacles successfully.

Because of divine aspect of Jupiter on the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in seventh house of her horoscope, she will be able to project a courageous and bold image in every sphere of her life.

Ninth house lord Mars is aspecting His own sign Aries, which is creating a powerful ‘Yog’ to receive support from Lady Luck, to make her position strong in the industry. The Sun is throwing His aspect directly on her first house to offer her success aplenty along with wide fame.

Divine aspect of the most auspicious planet of our zodiac Jupiter is there on her ninth house of luck, eleventh house of recurring income and on her seventh house of social standing too, to protect her from unwanted happenings and unfavourable scenarios.

Venus is the ruler of tenth house of career, in her birth chart, placed in seventh house of social reputations, again reconfirms her wide fame because of going towards exultation sign Pisces.

Talking about her current ‘MahaDasha’ and ‘AntarDasha’ period, Sun/Venus sub period has just started in January 2023 to continue till January 2024, to let her access great fame and popularity.

Next it will be main period of the Moon, that comes with a word of caution for her career growth because the Moon brings fluctuations during Her Dasha Period.

This main period will be in effect for next 10 years, to express the need of maintaining balance and confidence of mind. When sub period of Moon/Rahu will be operating in her birth chart, from June 2025, extra caution should be require to safeguard her image in the society.

Rahu gives overconfidence, and being debilitated in fourth house, in Scorpio sign, ruled by Mars, is reconfirming the necessity of it. The next sub-period of Moon/Jupiter will be moderately good, to continue till April 2028.

Moon/Saturn sub-period will be follow next and will remain in effect till November 2029. 

Although planet Saturn is the ruler of seventh house of social reputations also and presence of Saturn in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aquarius will protect her current overall reputation, but, still, she should remain careful in her personal as well as business alliances as Saturn rules sixth house of struggles too.

We wish her all round success in her upcoming movies and professional ventures!!

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