Love compatibility of Pisces with other Zodiac Signs

Pisces Love Compatibility with other Zodiac signs

Pisces & Aries

Pisces Love Compatibility with Aries

This is finally the match to cherish and usually lasts a lifetime. Pisces is an intrinsically submissive character and, thus, needs a strong Arian shoulder to rely on.

The Aries strength of character coupled with intense energy makes the Piscean swoon over him/her.

Pisces & Taurus

Pisces Love Compatibility with Taurus

Taurus is initially attracted by the submissive and sweet nature of Pisces. The Pisces will also seem to be very adaptable and willing to listen to everything the Taurus says.

However, soon Taurus realizes the wavering nature of the Pisces and finds out that Pisces wants two different things at separate periods of time.

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Pisces & Gemini

Pisces Love Compatibility with Gemini

Both the Gemini and the Pisces are dual or double-faced individuals and, thus, a combination between them is a combination of four different kinds of people.

At times, the Pisces is brimming with new ideas and has a very positive outlook on life and again at others, the same person withdraws into a mystical world of his/her own.

Pisces & Cancer

Pisces Love Compatibility with Cancer

The relationship with Pisces will be good as backed by strong intuition and imagination; both can understand each other quite well and with ease.

The need to have emotional security along with a lot of effort is sure to give rise to a strong and eternal bond. These two will utilize their intimate life to spice up an already stable relationship.

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Pisces & Leo

Pisces Love Compatibility with Leo

Leo is mainly attracted to the meek and submissive Pisces because he/she feels capable of protecting and nurturing the Pisces partner and also able to dominate him/her as well.

However, the real disappointment comes later, when suddenly Pisces becomes independent and takes decisions on his/her own, something extremely disconcerting to the Leo.

Pisces & Virgo

The only one, who has a strong intuition to sense the changing moods and emotional behavior of the Virgo male/female, is the Pisces partner. However, this can hardly serve as the ground for a lifelong commitment.

What Pisces will not like at all is the fact that Virgo will tend to lash out and criticize Pisces at every stage, whenever Pisces makes a mistake.

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Pisces & Libra

The only way Pisces and Libra might have got together is in a moment of intense sympathy shown by the Libra male/female. Pisces has a constant tendency towards self-pity and is always thinking others are out to harm her.

Libra tries to cheer him/her up. Added to this, Pisces gushes about how wonderful a person Libra is, which would make anyone feel good.

Pisces & Scorpio

Pisces Love Compatibility with Scorpio

Scorpio and Pisces may indeed form a very good partnership for a strange reason both of them are practical-minded and both are governed by a strong set of emotions.

Pisces has an intensely intuitive nature and can guess every mood and emotion of the wavering Scorpio character. This predictability will help both of them a lot in the long run.

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Pisces & Sagittarius

Both the Pisces and Sagittarius zodiac individuals can be highly charming if they want to and this may have been the cause for their initial attraction.

Love and romance naturally followed. Sagittarius is frank, open-minded, and very candid in behavior, whereas Pisces is secretive and mysterious in his/her own right.

Pisces & Capricorn

Pisces Love Compatibility with Capricorn

What initially attracts Pisces to Capricorn is the latter’s efficiency. Pisces is constantly demoralized and looking for a shoulder to cry on.

He/she feels everybody is trying to harm him/her and looks for someone stable and dependable to rely on.

For more information on Pisces Love Compatibility call +91-85 8800 9900 or Talk to Astrologer

Pisces & Aquarius

Pisces Love Compatibility with Aquarius

While Aquarius is constantly concerned with the problems of others, the Pisces partner will consciously stay aloof, since the latter believes it will only add to his/her problems in life.

Pisces however, has an inherent need for sympathy and attention, and the Aquarius will at times fulfil this need.

Pisces & Pisces

Pisces Love Compatibility with Pisces

Pisces partners should ideally know each other the best since their strong intuition unquestioned.

What is strange is that they use this intuition to explore the secret side of one another and inflict as much pain as possible on each other! They are perfectly in tune mentally and physically.

To know your Love Compatibility with your Partner Talk to our Expert Astrologers or call +91-85 8800 9900

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