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Taurus Horoscope


Know All About Taurus

Personality :

Taurus the second sign in the Zodiac symbolizes The Bull They are most practical and reliable members of the Zodiac. They happily plod along to the finish line and reap rewards. They prefer to take each day as it comes and work towards their ultimate goal. Their strength is in their stability loyalty and dogged determination. They want to get the job done and they will.

Love Trait :

Taurus is sentimental in both love and romance. They romance once and that is unlikely to die even when they settle down to the routines of married life. They enjoy spending time with loved ones and are especially drawn towards children.

Compatibility :

  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio

Best Match:

  • Cancer

Yesterday's Horoscope

Jupiter in your sign is creating Dhan Yog, to foretell that you will need to resolve the sensitive issues at your home, keeping pace with your near and dear ones, but, also keep their welfare in mind. Your soul mate may surprise you with a pleasant gift, which will delight your heart. Time is about to demand you to remain patienceful and calm and ensure a smooth flow at your career front. All your efforts and hard work towards a special endeavour are now going to bring you the success as per your expectations. Health front is seeking your serious attention, so, do not overlook it, in any way.

Today's Horoscope

The Moon is going to enter into fiery sign Aries, after 1.00 pm, to convey that you may need to boost the confidence and morale of your younger ones at home. Your family members can make plans to hold a religious event to seek blessings of Almighty God. Your soul mate may bring you a good news. Also, you may be rewarded for the efforts made by you at work place. Today is good to make financial investments, but, it will be beneficial to seek the guidance of an expert before taking any major decisions. Your physical health will remain fine to your delight and, overall, it can be a productive day for you.

Tomorrow's Horoscope

Ketu is aspecting Mars and Jupiter, presently in your sign only, to predict that your work and finances will suffer certain ups and downs, to test your patience. This might give rise to tensions and force you to delay in taking an important decision. Avoid taking the guarantee of others in matters involving the law. Be careful whether you are in office, or at home, as a slight mistake on your part can land you in trouble. You might feel that you are being distanced from your soul mate. Have patience. Health is moderate to make your day bright.


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