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Scorpio Horoscope


Know All About Scorpio

Personality :

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac. The symbol of Scorpio is The Scorpion. Its ruling planet is Mars. A Scorpio is intense, dominating, ruthless, energetic, passionate and committed. Scorpios lead the battle of life with their keen intellect and admirable qualities of patience and creativity. They live life on their own terms and are in ultimate control of their destiny.

Love Trait :

Scorpio can be an ideal lover, but not always an ideal partner, because of their egoistic nature. They enjoy the domestic comforts and are willing to sacrifice in love. They have an extraordinary way to express their feelings for others.

Compatibility :

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn

Best Match :

  • Capricorn

Yesterday's Horoscope

Aspects of Mars, Jupiter, retrograde Saturn and Rahu on your sign is predicting that it is likely to keep you extremely busy and you may feel the necessity to upgrade yourself to the latest technology and enjoy the pleasure of those materialistic comforts which can save your precious time and energy. Your domain at work is likely to expand or diversify further, which will eventually help you to enhance your future prospects and you may be successfully acknowledged for your spectacular achievements. Good times at home are seen there as your family issues are possible to get resolved on a happy note to make you happy from the core of your heart. Stay protected from water borne health problems.

Today's Horoscope

The Moon is going to enter into fiery sign Aries, after 1.00 pm, to indicate that your family members can extend their adequate support that will help you to accomplish your tasks with ease. Purchase and acquisition of immoveable property and assets also looks visible. You may even encounter a close old friend or a dear one now. Desirable financial gains are also seen with you to change the existing equation. You may get an offer for a new job, but, it can put you in dilemma, whether to accept it or not. So, seeking valuable advice of elders will help you to figure it out. Time also cautions you to keep safe while travelling alone or driving after sunset.

Tomorrow's Horoscope

Mars, Jupiter, retrograde Saturn and Rahu are aspecting your sign, to forewarn you to avoid making wrong investments in the influence of others. Use your wisdom and presence of mind to take major decisions, like such matters. Avoid entrusting your important tasks on others. Avoid taking the words of your family member to your heart. Wait for the right time and make them realise where they went wrong. This will help you to maintain harmony at home. Take adequate precautions from cold and related health problems to bypass unwanted situations.


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