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Sagittarius Horoscope


Know All About Sagittarius

Personality :

Sagittarius is the ninth sign in the Zodiac, ruled by the planet Jupiter. The symbol of Sagittarius is The Archer. This is the sign of good fortune, intuitions, and honesty, true speaking, ambitious and idealism. Sagittarius are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do it is to travel, talk to others and get answers to the internal quest. Knowledge holds the key to re fuelling their broad-minded approach towards life. Sagittarians are fun loving, carefree individuals who live life to the fullest.

Love Trait :

Sagittarians are sincere towards their romantic life. As lovers, they are glamorous, warm, friendly, open and charming.

Compatibility :

  • Aries
  • Leo
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Best Match :

  • Aries

Yesterday's Horoscope

Mars is aspecting your sign, to indicate that you may have to face a few differences of opinion within your family circle. But, you should not take such trivial issues to your heart. Through the support of your soul mate and your good relations with people around, a new avenue of profit and progress may also open up before you. Problems at your career front, if any, may get resolved with the cooperation and support of your friends to make your mood cheerful. Great relief in your financial matters is also indicated no matter how severe it was. But, be cautious and vigilant before lending money to anyone. Take note of your minor health related issues.

Today's Horoscope

The Moon is going to enter into moveable sign Aries, after 1.00 pm, to foresee a slightly challenging moments at your family circle. You are advised to not to blow up minor issues, if you want to sustain the harmony at home. Be patienceful and wise to resolve and balance the issues amicably. Your hard work and sincerity will win appreciation from everyone around. A few gainful opportunities can also be expected at your career front now. Your health condition seems to remain fit and fine, and rest otherwise also, it will be an awesome day for you.

Tomorrow's Horoscope

Mars is influencing your sign, to foresee success in whatever you do for the happiness of your family members. Be careful in taking up any projects related to government organisations as minor issues might give rise to major problems. Time is auspicious for you to prepare for or appear in any competitive examinations. You will be able to meet your family responsibilities easily. Avoid borrowing the vehicle of others. Take your health related matters more seriously. Start free hand exercises to keep your fitness quotient intact.


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