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Aquarius Horoscope


Know All About Aquarius

Personality :

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Its ruling planet is Saturn. The symbol of Aquarius is The Water-Bearer. Aquarians in general come in two different types shy, and lively. Both are strong willed and honest. They plan their life in a systematic manner. They are truly unique, independent, or even eccentric. They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical.

Love Trait :

Aquarian love their private space and intrusions are not very welcome. But ones they fall in love, they like to make everything perfect for their partner. Their approach to love and marriage is logical and intellectual, therefore loving with mind, as well as eyes. They are home loving and with a liking for cooking and trying out various recipes, they often surprise their partners by taking these up as pastime pleasures.

Compatibility :

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius

Best Match :

  • Libra

Yesterday's Horoscope

Retrograde Saturn is receiving aspect from Mercury, to convey that you will successfully be engaged in the acquisition of the things necessary for running your home. A work related journey may turn out to be useful for you. The situation at home also indicates that you may incur into extra expenses today, so, be cautious while spending your hard earned money. An administrative issue may also get settled in your favour, no matter how serious it was. However, try to be polite in your discussions. Your younger ones may bring you good news to make you happy. Your physical health will also remain perfectly alright.

Today's Horoscope

The Moon is going to enter into moveable sign Aries, after 1.00 pm, to predict a temporary distance with someone close in your family. You may feel heavy with mixed emotions in your heart. Situations at your work front are likely to improve for better now and almost everything would flow in accord with your expectations. New opportunities or assignments at work will now come knocking your door. An official tour may also prove to be fruitful. A few religious pursuits or spiritual activities may also incline you to find your connection with Almighty God. Your physical health also seems to keep fine.

Tomorrow's Horoscope

Mercury is aspecting your sign, to indicate a sharp increase in revenue generation. A few new sources of income may also appear in front of you. Investment of the past will generate huge profit for your delight. Increase in your materialistic pursuit is clearly seen. If you want to sell or purchase anything, then today is favourable for that. If you have been thinking of renovating your house then you can start it now. You will not experience shortage of any kind of resources. Avoid showing off unnecessarily. Always consult with your soul mate before taking any major step about future. Meditate regularly to increase your load bearing capacity.


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