Your Monthly Horoscope September – StarsTell
From the beginning of this month, your sign lord, Mars, is present in your sign only to provide you an upper hand in everything you take up.
The Sun is seen inauspicious ‘Trikona’fifth house of talent, in His own sign Leo, with Mercury, to allow you to display your talents on the right platform.
Another auspicious placement of your luck house lord Jupiter, in the ninth house, in His ‘Mool Tri Kona’ sign Sagittarius, to bless you with long term associations and assertive developments to make you smile.
Your career house lord, Saturn, is also occupying His own sign Capricorn, to help you to move ahead in your career front.
On the 10th of September, a change of motion by your sign lord, Mars, indicates significant happenings to increase your arena to give you motivation and a morale boost.
The Sun will change the sign on 16th September and enter into your sixth house of health to offer good results for you as far as matters of your physical health is concerned.
In addition to these, the change of signs by Rahu and Ketu, on the 23rd of September, is going to rewrite Your Monthly Horoscope financial equation in the language of prosperity, for your delight.
Support your close family members to help them to sett their equation of life properly.
The presence of five planets in their own signs, from the very beginning of this month, is perfect for you to bring changes in your way of working to increase productivity.
Your sign lord, Venus, is entering into Cancer sign, on the very first day of this month, to stay there till 28th of this month, to make your efforts fruitful.
Friendly planet Mercury will be with the Sun, to create‘ Budh Aditya Yog’ and provide you the excellence of the brain to make your position strong and powerful.
Transit of the Sun, into the fifth house, in Virgo sign, on 16th September, to join with exulted Mercury, may become a game change transit for you to shine brightly.
However, the entrance of Rahu in your sign, on 23rd September, to become exalted, is another assertive transit for you to ensure better days for you.
Change of sign by your sign lord, Venus, on the 28th of September, may reduce the intensity of struggles in your life, up to a certain extent for your relief.
Direct motion of Saturn, on 29th September, in your ninth house of luck, is predicting a comfortable situation in overall every matter, for your delight.
Placement of five planet sin their own signs, from the beginning of this month, may bring you a golden chance to score well in your ventures.
The entry of your sign lord Mercury into the exultation sign Virgo, on the 2nd of September is an auspicious transit for you to rise and shine.
Mars is placed in your income house, in His own sign Aries, to bless you with financial prosperity.
The Sun is also ideally occupying the third house, in Hi sowed sign Leo, to turn your efforts into fruitful and result to oriented.
The direct aspect of Jupiter on your sign is another blessing for you to stay protected during this month.
Saturn is also occupying His own sign Capricorn, to increase your foresight, in order to help you while taking long term decisions correctly.
The entry of your sign lord Mercury, in Libra sign, on 22nd of September is going to form‘ Kendra Trikona Raaj Yog ’for your benefit.
You should stay alert while judging the scopes of potential opportunities to grow further.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Your finance house lord, the Sun, is placed there, in your second house only, in His own sign Leo, from the very 1st day of this month to offer you opportunities to make money aplenty.
Mars is your career house lord and now occupying Hi sown sign Aries, during this entire month, to let you enjoy stability in the area of work.
However, a change of motion by Mars, on 10th September will be more positive for you to strike potentially strong deals.
The Sun will enter into the Virgo sign on the 16th of this month to increase your efforts to rise and shine.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Rahu will be there in your income house, for the next one and a half years, to secure income on a regular basis, beyond your expectations to expand your arena of work and help you to grow more.
Saturn will remain in retrograde motion till the 29th of this month and will assume direct motion afterward to show you sunshine in the social sector.
Your sign lord, the Sun, is present in your sign only, to give you an upper hand everywhere, till the 16th of this month.
Then change of sign by the Sun, to enter into your finance house, will be more gain full for you, to enhance your finances and family front for better, surely.
Your luck house lord, Mars, is going to assume retrograde motion, on the 10th of September, to become more auspicious and offer you important developments in the area of your career.
You may think seriously about buying luxurious gadgets and/or a vehicle, during this month.
Placemen to Venus in your twelfth house is indicating this for you. The aspect of Jupiter on your ninth house of luck and eleventh house of income is showing support from Lady Luck to carry on unstoppably.
The placement of retrograde Saturn, in your sixth house, will help you to improve your health and vitality for your delight.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to bring relief at your place of work, as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Your sign lord, Mercury, is going to be exalted in your sign, from the 2nd of this month, to become very powerful and allow you to put your sincere efforts towards the right direction.
On the 10th of September, a change of motion by Mars, in His own sign Aries, indicates significant developments to improve your recurring income as well as financial status, to give you motivation and morale boost.
The entry of the Sun, into your sign, to join Mercury, on 16th September, to create ‘Budh Aditya Yog’ and bring you opportunities from abroad and auspicious incidents around you.
Jupiter is now present therein your fourth house of properties to aspect your tenth house of career to enhance your career prospects.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Change of sign by Venus, on the 28th of September, may reduce the intensity of struggles in your life, up to a certain extent for your relief.
On 29thof September, the direct motion of Saturn indicates a new avenue to open up in front of you to explore new avenues successfully.
Your sign lord, Venus, is entering the cancer sign, on the very1st day of this month, to look after your professional matters more seriously.
The equation of your social arena is about to take an interestingturnasMarsis going to assumes retrograde motion, in Aries sign, from 10th September.
But, the direct motion of Jupiter, from13th of this month, is asking you to take care of your health-related matters perfectly.
The rising state of your ninth house lord, Mercury from the beginning of this month, is promising you to rollout better plans for wealth and prosperity.
Your luck houselordMercury is going to change sign on22ndofthismonthto enter into your sign, indicating full support from lady luck to score well in life.
However, a change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Direct motion of Saturn, on 29th September, is predicting satisfactory results of your hard work to make you feel confident.
Yousignlord, Mars, is ideally placed in the sixth house of competition, inHis‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aries, to create golden opportunities to incur growth and prosperity on your career front.
Retrograde motion of Mars, from 10th September, is going to be another assertive transit for you to leave your rivals far behind.
The most auspicious planet of the zodiac, Jupiter, is also changing His motion, on the 13th of this month, to let you grow visibly.
Your leadership quality will allow you to tackle tough situations more effectively.
The presence of Jupiter in your second house of family and finances will give you an upper hand to let you handle family issues perfectly.
The growing trend in your accumulation of wealth will provide you the solace of mind.
The Sun will change His sign to enter into your eleventh house of income, on the 16th of this month, tojoinMercury and create ‘BudhAdityaYog’ to increase your regular income, Your Monthly Horoscope.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
On the 29th of this month, the direct motion of Saturn, in your third house of efforts, will try to bring results of your hard work.
Your sign lord, Jupiter, is changing motion, in your sign only, to predict your new game plan to take place in reality.
It could be going for further education or gaining knowledge in a different domain to make your days of future secured.
On the 10th of September, your fifth house lord, Mars, is going to become retrograde, in your fifth house of talents, to create new avenues for earning money, using your unique skills only.
Try to restore your peace of mind by indulging in yoga or meditation to maintain perfect equations with everyone around you.
After the 16th of this month, your luck house lord, the Sun, will be there in your tenth house of career, to join exalted mercury and bring you upswing at the workplace,Your Monthly Horoscope.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months.
Retrograde Saturn will assume direct motion on the 29th of this month and that will be a boost to the finance sector for you, to let you have an upper hand there.
The most auspicious planet for your sign, Venus, is entering into your seventh house of social standing, on the 1st of this month, to create ‘Trikona-Kendra RaajYog’ and give you a complete makeover there.
Planet Mercury will be therein His exultation sign Virgo,from2ndSeptember, to provide yousupportfromLady Luck, to increase your work and guide you to the best path, Your Monthly Horoscope.
Your sign lord, Saturn, is presently retrograde in your sign only, to polish your skills and make you confident enough to move ahead in life.
Theremightbesomegood changes noticeable within your nature and behavior, when your rulingplanetSaturnwillassume direct motion at the end of this month.
The Sun will be there in your ninth house of luck, from 16th of this month, to join exulted Mercury and create a strong ‘BudhAdityaYog’to shar pen your sixth sense and help you to move on.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months, Your Monthly Horoscope.
Share your ideas with a selected few people only to receive positive feedback from them.
PresenceofJupiterin your twelfth house is asking you to take care of finances, in any form.
Your sign lord, Saturn, is moving through retrograde motion, in your twelfth house of expenditures, to predict new collaborations and business opportunities from abroad with more positive vibes.
Mercury is going to travel in the Virgo sign, from the 2ndday of this month to advise you to be careful while striking deals with new clients.
In addition to this, retrogression of Mars, from10th of September, is again sounding an alert for you, while performing documentation works and completing legal formalities.
Jupiter will start moving through direct motion, from 13thof this month, predicting better equations at your family and financial front, Your Monthly Horoscope.
The Sun willenterintoVirgosign, on the 16th of this month, to create pressure on your nerves for some other reason. Your Monthly Horoscope.
But, the direct motion of Saturn,from29th of September, will help you to manage tough situations with much ease.
Change of signs by Rahu and Ketu will happen on 23rd of September, to your relief as Rahu and Ketu both will become exulted for the next 18 months, to benefit you unexpectedly.
Your sign lord, Jupiter, will start moving through direct motion, from the 13th of September, to be back into His auspicious self.
Before that, the retrograde motion of Mars, from the 10th of this month, is going to offer you the upper hand in finances.
Transit of the Sun, through the sixth house of struggle, from the very beginning of this month, is helping you to reduce your competitors and show you the sunshine.
Planet of intelligence, Mercury, is going to enter into His exultation sign, from the 2nd day of this month to enhance your social image. Your Monthly Horoscope.
On the 16th of this month, the entrance of the SunintoVirgosign, to join exalted mercury, is indicating the possibility of gaineth rough people in authority.
Changing of signs, by Rahu and Ketu, from the 23rd of this month will be okay for the sake of long-term gains.
Retrograde Saturn, your income as well as expenditure house lord, will assume direct motion, from 29th of September, to strike a perfect balance between your income and expenditure, providing you relief from mental stress Your Monthly Horoscope.
In matters of health and wellness, it is a good time for you to enjoy healthy days.