(December 22 - January 20)
Know All About Capricorn
Personality :
This is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. Its ruling planet is Saturn. The symbol of Capricorn is The Goat. A typical Capricorn is conscientious, hardworking, ambitious, cautious, tolerant, patient, disciplined, calculated and confident. It becomes easy for them to make money in life. They believe in doing things rather than thinking about them again and again.
Love Trait :
Capricorns are not considered good lovers. They do not express their emotions easily. After marriage, the comforts of home, security, children, and position - they accomplish all these good things of life.
Compatibility :
- Virgo
- Scorpio
- Capricorn
- Pisces
Best Match :
Monthly Horoscope
Planet of intelligence Mercury will change sign on 4th of September, to join the Sun and create ‘BudhAditya Yog’, showering you with support from a very unexpected corner, increasing your efforts and their outcomes. Most auspicious planet for your sign Venus will come out of weak state of debilitation and enter into your tenth house of professional career, on 18th of this month, to create a very powerful ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’, paving the way of success and prosperity in your ventures and offer you great support from Lady Luck. Your sign lord Saturn is presently moving via retrograde motion in your second house of finances, to rewrite your financial equation, making you confident enough to move ahead steadily. Presence of Mars in your sixth house of struggles, during this entire month, will remove obstacles from your way to success and change the ongoing processes of your life visibly. Combust state of Mercury in your eighth house of longevity, from 15th of September, is advising you to go with caution in family and financial matters. The Sun will be there in your luck house, along with Venus and Ketu, from 16th of this month, to create a strong ‘Yog’, to shape your ambitious plans accurately and help you to prosper. Review and correct your ambitious plans in reference with the demand of time accordingly, to ensure assertive returns for sure.