Monthly Horoscope July 2022 – Read Horoscope for all zodiac signs



Aries Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour sign lord, Mars, will remain in your sign only, along with Rahu, till 10th of August, to suggest you to take care of your expression of anger and swift reactions. Aspect of retrograde Saturn on them is making the scenario more complicated, to your discomfort.

Your aggressive as well as restless image will not bring you anything spectacular as such. Combust condition of Mercury, on 5th of July, may reduce the intensity of the struggles, up to a certain extent, to your relief.

The Sun will change His sign on 16th July and enter into your fourth house, in watery sign Cancer, to create an auspicious ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’ and give you results of your sincere efforts, at your professional front.

Aspects of Mars, Jupiter and retrograde Saturn on the Sun and Mercury, can bring you unexpected assertive situations to help you to change the equation of your life.

You should stay careful as twelfth house lord Jupiter will be there in twelfth house only, that might fetch a few unexpected expenditures for you. 

However, unconditional support from your close family members will be there to make the journey of life easier.


Taurus Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour ruling planet, Venus, is place in your sign only, to stay here till 13th of this month and show you the brighter side of the coin. Rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ will be form in your second house of finances to help you to increase your capacity to deliver and make your financial position strong.

Dignified presence of retrograde Saturn in your ninth house of luck is another assertive point for you as your luck house lord, Saturn, will provide you required support from relevant authorities, to show you new avenues to grow your regular inflow of money.

Transit of the Sun into your third house, in Cancer sign, on 16th July, may make you much effortful to increase your productivity, with perfection.

Mars is staying in His own sign Aries, along with Rahu, during this entire month, to provide you required confidence to carry on. Combust state of Mercury from 5th July is suggesting you to take care of money matters and family issues as well.

You are suppose to rely on your presence of mind and adopt a practical approach to keep your hold on and control over the situation around.

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Gemini Monthly Horoscope November

Entrance of your sign lord, Mercury, into your sign, on 2nd of July, to be there with the Sun, will create ‘BudhAditya Yog’, for your advantage and show you better changes, in and around. But, association of Mars and Rahu, in your eleventh house of recurring income, is suggesting you to adopt methodical way of working to leave everyone surprised.

Presence of the Sun and Mercury in the finance house, is another assertive point for you to stay blessed, from 16th of this month. Mercury, your sign lord, will change sign on 17th, to your relief as Mercury will create ‘Dhan Yog’, to your delight.

In the family front, you are expected to hear good news to your delight. 

Aspect of Mars, Jupiter and retrograde Saturn on your second house of family and finances will provide you much required emotional support, to carry on.

Combust condition of your sign lord, Mercury, till 29th of July, might not be a very auspicious transit for you, asking you to take important decisions with caution, about your financial matters.

Presence of retrograde Jupiter in your tenth house of career is going to reshape your career growth, after 29th of this month, suggesting you to take more care of your professional matters and job satisfaction, to bring assertive changes by the grace of Almighty God.

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope November

Your most auspicious planet, Mars, is presently occupying your career house, along with Rahu, creating a ‘Trikona-Kendra Raaj Yog’, to bless you with power and authority. Mars rules your career house also and is receiving aspect from retrograde Saturn, till 12th of July, to let you work very hard and ensure visible progress in life.

Transit of the Sun into your sign, on 16th of July, will create ‘Dhan Yog’, to shower the blessings of Almighty God on you and help you to expand your ventures and push you ahead to create opportunities for career growth and prosperity.

Venus will be present in your income house, till 13th of this month, to create sufficient flow of funds and allow you to access concrete results in money matters.

Be extra careful while investing your surplus funds and do not trust anyone less known or unknown to you, to reduce the possibility of backfire.

Mars will come out of His weak state of debilitation, on 20th of this month, to enter into fiery sign Leo and provide you much required financial bliss, to feel free about money matters.

Retrograde Saturn will move in to your seventh house of social repute, on 12th of this month, advising you to take note of your words spoken in an assembly of elite people in your circle.

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Leo Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour sign lord, the Sun, will accompany Mercury, in your eleventh house of recurring income, from 2nd of July, to offer you free hand in money matters. On the other hand, transit of your luck house lord, Mars, through your ninth house of luck, is showing the silver lining, as Mars is associated with Rahu in Aries sign.

You may think seriously to bring mobility in the projects in hand, to change the current scenario at professional front.

There is a need for more caution, after 16 July, when the Sun will enter into your twelfth house of expenditure, along with Mercury, so that you can reduce the unknown risks involved in your flagship ventures.

Show your presence of mind while interacting with someone powerful in your work place, to keep the things under control. Venus is occupying your tenth house of career, in Her own sign Taurus, to spread the fragrance of your soul and impress everyone around.

Your fifth house lord, Jupiter, is going to be retrograde in your eighth house, may create upside down like situation for your ultimate surprise, after 29th of July to suggest you to stay alert in family and financial matters.

It can give you some crucial moments, because of His lordship of eighth house, to handled with care and caution.


Virgo Monthly Horoscope November

Entry of your sign lord, Mercury, into His own sign Gemini, on 2nd of July, advises you to exercise vigilance to minimise the possibilities of mistakes. The Sun is already there in Gemini sign to add colours at workspace, to your advantage, till 16th of July.

Your finance house lord, Venus, is occupying Her own sign Taurus, till 13th of this month, to fetch support from Lady Luck in every arena. Retrograde Saturn is now present there in your sixth house, till 12th of July, to ensure benefits from competitive pursuits.

On 16th of July, change of sign by the Sun and Mercury indicates significant improvements to alter your financial equation as well as fruitful connections with foreign associates, to give you potential opportunities and offer you a moral boost.

Retrograde Saturn will move in your fifth house, in His own sign Capricorn, to predict perfect equation of your talent and scopes of work.

Mars and Rahu are present there in your eighth house, that is capable to push towards overconfidence, to take care of appropriately. Go for mental peace to ensure tranquility and better way of leading your life, for sure.

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Libra Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour luck house lord, Mercury, will move into His own sign Gemini, on 2nd of July, to create ‘BudhAditya Yog’ with the Sun and bring lucrative opportunities in front of you, to get benefit from them. Your sign lord, Venus, is now occupying Her own sign Taurus, till 13th of July, to suggest you to act according to the demand of situation.

Formation of ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, in your ninth house of luck, is going to bless you with unconditional support from every corner, to move on.

However, entrance of the Sun in your career house, on 16 July, would remain favourable to increase your revenue generation and change the current equation of work as well as money matters.

The Sun is the ruler of your eleventh house of recurring income in your horoscope. Your ambitious plans are about to become reality and results of your hard work will be visible, to make you feel content.

Your sign lord, Venus, in your luck house, after 13th of July, might open up new avenues towards prosperity and affluence, indicating starting of a long-lasting relationship with potentially strong business partners of questions roaming in your mind.


Scorpio Monthly Horoscope NovemberYou sign lord, Mars, is travelling through His own sign Aries, in your sixth house of competitions, during this entire month, to create assertive vibes around, to influence your life altogether that will provide you ample amount of support from Lady Luck, to manage everything perfectly.

Your initiative nature will catch attention from different corners of the room, to let people flock around you and make you feel adored.

On 2nd of this month, transit of Mercury into His own sign Gemini will support you to increase your foresight and help you to guess the events of future beforehand.

Presence of retrograde Saturn in your fourth house of comforts can bless you with commanding position at work, before 12th of July. Because of placement of Jupiter in fifth house, you should mind your limit of dignity.

Show your management capacities to streamline the gray areas in your team and corelate with the motto of your journey. The Sun will change His sign to enter into your ninth house of luck, on 16th of this month, to provide you support from people in authority.

Three planets, the Sun, Mercury and Venus are present in Gemini sign creating ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, till 16th of this month, to bring significant changes to enlarge your arena of work visibly.

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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour sign lord, Jupiter, is travelling through your fourth house, in His own sign Pisces, to bless you with more areas of operation, to ensure growth and prosperity. It could result in to your plans about acquiring landed property or thinking about a bigger space to increase the arena of work.

On 2nd of July, Mercury is going enter into His own sign Gemini, to enhance the social image of yours, to bring potential opportunities in front of you, to your satisfaction.

In addition to this, association with the Sun and Mercury, is another positive transit for you to give you unexpected results. 

On 13th of this month, Venus will enter into Gemini sign, to join the Sun and Mercury, to create ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ and let you see financial affluence in your ventures.

Association of Mars and Rahu in your fifth house is not an auspicious ‘Yog’ to suggest you to manage your emotional equations with more maturity and tactfulness.

Retrograde Saturn will enter into your second house of family and finances, on 12th of July, to deliver the outcomes of your hard work done in the previous time. 

Take your physical health and wellness related matters more seriously, to avoid unwanted situations.

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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope NovemberRetrograde Saturn is ideally placed in your second house of wealth, till 12th of July, to provide you consistency to counter the scenario around. Jupiter is also occupying His own sign, Pisces, to fetch help from Lady Luck, to expand your area of command at your workplace.

Planet Mercury will enter into His own sign Gemini, on 2nd of July, to join the Sun and provide you cushions in many areas of life. There might be encouraging news from a close relative to bring a smile on your face, when Venus will join them, on 13th of this month, forming ‘TeenGrahee Yog’.

The Sun and Mercury will be there in Cancer sign, from 16th of this month, to show you sunshine in your social circle. You may experience strong affinity towards creative pursuits because of placement of Venus in Taurus sign.

Search for new horizon in order to make your presence felt there. It is going to be a very favourable time for you to invest idle funds in lucrative savings schemes.

Transit of Mars and Rahu through your fourth house, during this month, is suggesting you to not to get involve in any kind of dispute, with anyone in your circle.

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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope NovemberTransit of your career house lord, Mars, through His own sign Aries, during this entire month, is predicting new avenues to open up and visible growth in your activities, to make you feel confident. Rahu is also there, with Mars, give you foreign connections. 

Association of the Sun and Mercury, in Gemini sign, after 2nd of July, indicates multiple sources of revenues to let you grow.

Your sign lord, Saturn, is moving through indirect motion, in your sign only, till 12th of July, to show the ray of hope to keep you moving through right direction.

Presence of Jupiter, in your second house of finances, is predicting better results coming to you, without fail. The Sun will enter into your sixth house of competitions in Cancer sign on 16th of this month to help you to stay ahead of your competitors.

You will be able to manage the situation with complete perfection. Routine health check-up is advisable for you at this point of time because of the placement of retrograde Saturn in your twelfth house, after 12th of July.

Transit of your most auspicious planet, Venus, through your fifth house of talents, after 13th of July, is foretelling about your demand in social circle, to make you feel adored.

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Pisces Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour sign lord, Jupiter, is now occupying your sign only, to spread your area of acquaintance. Mars rules your ninth house of luck and presently occupying your second house of finances, in His own sign Aries, to suggest you to give more attention towards the choice of words.

Most unpredictable planet, Rahu, is accompanying Mars, to convey about the need of caution for you. Planet Mercury is going to change sign on 2nd of this month, to increase your comfort level.

On 16th of this month, entrance of the Sun into Cancer sign, to join Mercury, is indicating possibility of windfall gains through people in authority.

Divine aspect of Jupiter on the Sun and Mercury will bring further relief for you, to strike a perfect balance between your personal life and professional side.

Retrograde motion of Saturn is not that much auspicious for you, in your twelfth house of expenditures, till 12th of July, which may create unwanted pressure of expenditures for your discomfort.

You will be able to manage the scenario perfectly afterwards. Try to avoid any unhealthy habits, to meet the demands of time, by indulging into free hand exercises, to ascertain best of health conditions.

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